Advice on my problem

Hiya all,

I have a problem, I'm 6 ft 2, 165 pounds and generally quite slim, but for all my life I've always had well not exactly "man-breasts" but something coming quite close to them - they're certainly soft and not muscley.
None of my friends have really noticed it that much, but I dont tend to go swimming or anything and my height seems to cover it up.
Anyway to get to the point, I feel that they've gotten a bit bigger since Christmas, and as I'm joining a football team in the summer I want to kill two birds with one stone and get fit and more stamina for running, and also lose some of this upper body fat.

However, being a poor student with no time/money for the gym and no money for weights I've heard carido exercise is best, so I'm going to start running, I'd just like a bit of advice on routines, etc:

Should I run in the morning or the evening?
How long should I run for?
How many times a week?
Should I have something to eat before or after I run? And what is best - high in protein, low in carbo?

And any other general advice would be great.

Sorry for the huge post, thank you for any replies :)
some studes show that running in the morning before breakfast burns more fat because there is no food energy to use.

Another study showed that running in the morning leaves you more open to get ill as your immune system is at its weakest.

for stamina and fat burning, run for at least 20 minutes, building up to an hour.

go for 2-4 times per week (but once a week is better than nothing).

I usually have something small to eat, like a banana, before the run, then eat when i finish. If you need to eat something more substantial for energy, wait 2 hours before running as otherwise it will bounce around inside you.