Advice on losing few % on body fat (Have already lost 8 kgs).

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Hi all,

I am a newbie on this website, please excuse if some of the information I am about to share is inappropriate :)
I am a 36 years old male, my height is 172 cm, and since April 2018, my weight has dropped from 78 kilos down to 70 kilos. I have been maintaining my weight around the 70 kilos mark for the past 4 months.
My body fat % based on the scale that I use at home is 22.2%, and there are areas around my body that I would like to improve based on what I can see in front of the mirror when I get changed everyday. My belly, thigh, and bottom still look fat and loose.
I drink about 2800 cc of water each day, I sometimes have a bit of sugarless soy milk, and occasionally a bit of full cream milk when my daughter's milk is about to hit expiry date. My fruits intake include guava, bananas, and apples. Other information that I can share in terms of my weekly diet includes salt-less nuts (one hand full max per day), a few pieces of toast for breakfast, and a large cup of Americano coffee. As for lunch and dinner, I have a bit of rice and pan fried vegetables (with soy sauce and salt), stir-fried beef/pork. I try to avoid any processed food, and sugary stuffs as much as I can (Haven't had any soda for 12 months).

It's been good for the last several months, I still drink lots of water each day, I try to avoid food after 8pm, and sleeps early. I do cardio, weight lifting, and 8 minutes abs workout at least 3-4 times a week. I also play 2 hours of basketball each week.

I guess my question is, my weight has got to a point that I am able to maintain it at 70 kilos, but I still desire to lose the visible fat around my tummy, thighs, and bottom. I am not sure what else I can do improve my body shape. Don't get me wrong, I am really happy with my progress, my jeans looks less tighter, my stomach don't stick out, and my wife says I look a lot better as well. My goal right now is really to lose more fat around my body to keep my body fat % lower than what's current.

I apologize for such a long story, and I appreciate any feedback and thanks in advance, my body seems to have gotten used to my current program and I've not dropped any more kilos since. I have a few sips of white or red wine per fortnight lol.
Hi, W. Apologies for not replying earlier. I was hoping someone else would. Can I swap weight & bf with you, please?
Do you think that you could learn to be happy with how you look? We are all so different.
@Wayneous - Few questions for you...

Btw, great work on staying consistent with your diet and exercise. It seems like you might be ready to double down on your nutrition and step up your training to help increase your metabolism.

Do you know exactly (within 5%) of your daily calorie intake?

Are you progressively getting better in your workouts?
I agree... great job staying consistent and being able to maintain! Could you give us any more details about your cardio & weight workouts?
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