A Chat Room??


New member
I'm a regular member of another help forum (not for weight loss), and they have the exact same forum setup except for they have a chatroom. I think a chatroom would be a good addition to the site considering no one has to wait around for a reply or scramble to find someone to give them a little uplifting feelgood moment. I really think it should be considered. I know chatrooms come as part of this forum type.
While that could be a good idea..I'm just looking at this from a Mod standpoint. We have to block enough spammer and advertisers as is. I wouldn't want to have to work Chat Room detail as well..
we DID have a chat room...for YEARS....but no one really used it. I dont' know when the admin decided to do away with it...mostly b/c I never used it. But yea, it was a tool we used for a while....didn't work out.

J....when we did have the chat room, we never got spammers in there. Probably b/c no one used the room.
Well, a chatroom has always done well for a lot of people. There really is no modding issue. The other one I go to, the admins would appoint very trusted members to be the mods of the room. I just figured it would be a good idea. Times have changed. People chat more now. I just think it should be taken into consideration.
A chat room? :rubs eyes: Hello? Where am I? Who...where...what year is this? Why is everyone an 18/f/cali again?