8 Tips for Weight Loss

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1. Drink Water Before a Meal
Numerous studies show that people who are attempting to lose weight often lose faster if they drink a glass of water before each meal. The water lends a sense of fullness, leading to fewer calories being consumed during the meal. Drinking water before eating also increases overall hydration, replacing sugary drinks with a healthier alternative containing no calories.
2. Take Your Time When Eating a Meal
You’ve always been told that you should eat slowly, and it’s true. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to register the fact that you are full after a meal, and if you eat too quickly, your brain doesn’t have a chance to catch up. By the time you realize you are full, you have eaten more than you needed. Enjoying your food slowly will help you eat fewer calories while still feeling satisfied.
3. Take the Stairs Whenever Possible
Every step counts. Taking the stairs means you are burning calories without needing to go to the gym or find extra time in your schedule. If you need to go up several flights and can’t walk the entire way, climb as far as you can before taking the elevator.
4. Get at Least 7 Hours of Sleep
It may not be obvious, but a lack of sleep can actually impede your ability to lose weight. Not only will you feel tired, which causes your body to signal you to eat for energy, but poor sleeping habits disrupt the hormones that regulate appetite. Being perpetually tired will cause you to feel hungry even if you are not. Getting at least 7 hours of quality sleep each night is key.
5. Eat Breakfast
Breakfast really can be the most important meal of the day. Starting your morning with healthy proteins and carbohydrates not only fuels you for the moment, but people who eat breakfast are shown to eat fewer calories throughout the day.
6. Bring Your Own Lunch
A healthy lunch can consist of leftovers, or you can plan lunches in advance and have them prepared and ready to go for the ultimate convenience. In addition, bringing your lunch means that you have something healthy to eat even if you are short on time
7. Do Not Eat After 12 Hours Before the Time You Wake Up
When you eat is sometimes as important as what you eat. Studies show that people who eat dinner early lose more weight than people who eat later, even if the number of calories consumed is roughly the same. 12 hours between the time you eat dinner and the time you get up in the morning is ideal. For example, if you normally wake up at 6 a.m., do not eat after 6 p.m. the prior evening.
8. Avoid Salt
Avoiding salt is good for overall health, but limiting salt will also help weight loss. Excess salt makes the body retain water, causing weight gain, and salty foods drive thirst, which you might be tempted to quench with sugary beverages.
Really like #7. Thanks!
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