6 Week Body Makeover?

I'm doing it right now. It works really well. I lost 30 pounds on it a couple of years ago and kept most of it off until late last year.

I think the food is healthy and the plan is sound. My only issue is it's very hard to cook flavorful food with all the restrictions (no salt, no sugar, no fat, no dairy...). You really have to be a creative cook. It also requires a lot of planning because you are eating measured portions 5 - 6 times per day.

I've lost 10 pounds in the past 4 weeks and a friend that is doing it with me (male) lost 15 pounds.

I do like that there is no counting calories and no guessing what you should be eating at different times during the day. I also like that you are eating every 2-3 hours.

Here is an average day for me:

Breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit and egg whites equivalent to two eggs

Mid morning meal: 1/2 grapefruit and egg whites equivalent to two eggs

Lunch: 2 oz of chicken breast, 1 cup of vegetables and 1/2 a cup of rice

Mid afternoon meal: 2 oz of chicken breast and 1/2 cup of rice

Dinner: 2 oz of chicken breast, 1 cup of vegetables and 1/2 a cup of rice

Optional meal: 1/2 a grapefruit

As you can see, the food can get boring fast unless you plan way ahead and make several dishes to give yourself variety through the day.

I highly recommend this program because you will see results whether you are exercising or not.

When I first did it, I was 162 pounds and lost 25 pounds in the first 11 weeks. After that, I started exercising and doing the program 5 days per week and lost 13 more pounds slowly. I went from a size 12 to a size 4.

I'm back at 140 now and want to get down to 130 to fit in my clothes. It was too hard to stay at 125. I don't think it was a happy weight for my body.

Good luck! :)


Sorry to sound ignorant, but I dont know anything about this plan, but....

Was it your choice to eat the same 2 meals all day long? Or is that part of the program?

2 meals of grapefruit and eggs and 3 meals of chicken breast rice and veggies would have me eyeballing houseplants, carpet stains and gum under the table just for a bit of variety after awhile.

What an utterly boring menu..... I could never do it if thats all there is to it.

One question, when you were losing weight on the program, were you exercising as well? From what i read your weight loss slowed when you started exercising. Just curious....

It was my choice to eat my meals that way. You get a list of proteins, carbs, veggies and fruits to choose from. You prepare your foods without adding salt, fat or sugar - so until you really learn to get creative with seasonings, the food is super bland.

I lost 25 pounds without exercising at all - just eating according to plan. I started losing slower because I was at a healthy body weight by that time (less to lose) and I followed the plan 6 days on and 1 day off with exercise 5 days per week. That's my theory for the slow loss anyway.

I don't see doing this as a way of life because I enjoy eating too much and I started feeling like a robot after a while.
I have a coworker who is currently doing the 6 week body makeover. I was concerned when he started because the diet is so restrictive. The food is healthy but there just isn't much variety. He was really jazzed because of the guarantee the plan offered (he told me something like 30 pounds in 6 weeks) I didn't want to discourage him so I tried to be supportive. Both he and his wife started the plan.

Two weeks later they weighed in and he was thrilled to report 15 lbs lost. Like most around these forums I could recognize the quick first-two-week results that most can report - especially considering the diet contains almost no salt.

Then, a couple of days ago he told me at the one month weigh in he's down a total of 18 pounds. Of course 18 pounds in a month is great but it can't help but be discouraging after a first two weeks at 15 lbs lost.

I have a couple of problems with the 6 week body makeover:
First, huge promises that probably won't be met.
Second, unlivable diet. Even if you have the willpower to beat your body into submission for 6 weeks, you haven't learned any good habits and it will come right back.

If it works for you, more power to you. It just doesn't seem like the way to live a life, and you should make sure that you find a good way to transition back into realistic ways of eating.
Although I agree that it's not a liveable plan (that's why I'm going to be switching to Eating For Life after my 6 weeks on Wednesday), I do think I learned a ton doing this off and on over the past 2 years. The biggest thing was learning how to season food without salt and oil and make it still taste good. That was a huge challenge and I think I'm a better cook and more adventureous because of it. Another thing is I learned a lot about portion control and that you don't have to eat a ton to feel satisfied. I learned to appreciate whole foods a lot more and don't really enjoy processed foods as much as I used to. Lastly, I'm much more careful about my salt intake because I can see the effect it has on me when I have too much. Same goes for sugar, but I am a certified sugar fiend and will always fantasize about cake and chocolate.

Tomorrow is my last day of the 6 weeks and if I don't lose another pound tomorrow, I will have lost 12.5 pounds. I have 7.5 more to go to fit in all my clothes again and 5.5 more pounds to be within my target weight for my height and frame.

I will always be thankful for 6 Week Body Makeover because I would have never realized I could get into a size 4 at age 37 without it. It was the only plan I could stick to long enough to reach my goals. It was very educational for me personally.
i have this program...i didnt stick with it too long because it was troublesome for my lifestyle....I felt liek everyday i had do do so much extra planning because the food is so restricted and you have to eat so often, which I'm not used to. But I did lose weight with it....Basically you have to stick with it for awhile, mostly to boost metabolism if that's what you need. once that's fired up you can be a little less strict with salt's fats, etc. It's just hard to cook without any of those. My budget wasn't helping either. Now that I make my own money and have more time on my hands I'm going to start it again.
I have done this and went from 185 to 138 it really works. If you are creative you can spice up the menu But as I work I tend to cook my food over the weekend and eat it through out the week; I prepare chicken or use my slow cooker to make my meals...one thing I know for sure; you can get results with this diet and quick and this really motivates me because I am a person who needs results quickly ..I even showed it to my physician before i started and he gave me the green light mentioning that this was an healthy diet; one thing I know it is restrictive but I always tell myself "This is just 6 weeks you can give this for your life......." I still need to reach my goal wt of 120 and I am going to get on this diet again.........
You can check my before and afters in the thread that I posted earlier...http://weight-loss.fitness.com/before-after-between/8513-my-before-after.html
Thank you so much for all your input, Im thinking of trying it. It sounds like a good plan, I just need to think of how to tweek some of my favorite recipes for this though, im a B type i love lemon chicken and LOVE chicken curry (hot)