5 “Must Know” Weight Loss, Nutrition, and Diet Trends For 2012

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1. The most dominant new trend is people cutting foods that contain wheat and dairy out of their diet. This particular trend has been monitored for many years now. (And in some cases actually encouraging it.) But it has never taken hold the way it is now.

2. Whey protein is out, plant protein is in. One thing that seems to be consistent is that protein shakes are and will always be popular, especially at breakfast. But people are realizing they need to up the plant protein when possible. Switching to plant-based protein is a very simple adjustment. It is likely are seeing more plant-based protein shakes on the shelves of your favorite health and nutrition stores. If you don't believe it, next time you are in Whole Foods, ask the knowledgeable people there about the new offerings.

3. A third trend is a widespread focus on natural health. There is a much greater awareness that synthetic additives in foods are correlated with poor health. For example, many respondents to the survey said they had removed aspartame from their diet. Other people stated that they have been looking for doctors with a more "integrated" approach to care.

4. The fourth trend is an accelerated shift towards more plant-based foods in the diet. All of the top rated diets now feature a strong focus on adding greens and vegetables. People are taking this advice and putting it into action. Given the strong correlation between plant consumption and lower risk of disease, this could be a positive indicator for the future of the US healthcare system.

5. The final trend is a shift in the way people define breakfast. People are beginning to turn away from a heavy focus on sugars, carbs and grains. They are open to the idea that they often are eating "dessert for breakfast" in the forms of muffins, high sugar yogurts and syrupy lattes.

People are struggling with finding good ways of getting protein, fiber and veggies into their morning meal. Some people are opting to add vegetables to their breakfast or drinking green juices and green smoothies as a part of breakfast.
Your point being what, exactly?
Maybe she was just trying to point out fads in dieting. Fads have a negative impact almost every time. None of these are bad things necessarily, but people who are desperate and gullible will take everything too far, you know?
I know this is a old article but I'm new and I've been looking around in here :). The article talks about vegetables for breakfast... I've been having a sort of unique breakfast lately. A bakery here serves a delicious pumpkin seeded bread roll with a leaf of lettuce, a tomato slice, a cucumber slice, and a sliver of cheese, with a tiny splash of some sort of dressing stuffed in the middle of it. I know that's more of a lunch food, but I find it perfect for breakfast after my workout and walk/run. I don't know that starting the day off with bread and a couple vegetables is the normal thing, but it sure energizes me. They serve some with slices of turkey as well but I'm not big on turkey.
I am far enough to get your point.
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