5.11 and over 17 stone

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Hi guys so i am 35 .As the title says 5.11 and over 17 stone . I would like to lose weight . But i am full of lame excuses . I have always had very poor stamina .And my willpower is next to nothing. I am my sons carer .He has duchenne muscular dystrophy and honestly i feel i just eat when i am upset .Which is a lot. I do not leave the house a lot and prefer to sit at home on the computer .I do not have any real friends since most of my time is taken up caring for my son . <This is one of those excuses i mentioned.I have at least 6 hours when my son is at school) I do not know what i expect to gain from this thread as i know whats wrong ...I am lazy And i also need to see my doctor about a heart complaint i have had for the past 10 years or so .I need to eat less and do more I tried joining the army (uk) in 2013 and failed miserably because i simply couldn't run the required 2 mile in a good enough time I was told to go home home get fit and return..In the mean time i was told about my sons diagnosis. ...so Since then i find myself eating shit and sitting on my fat ass...And my missus is now starting to make joke comments that i know have truth behind them .. A few years ago when i was around 15 stone i asked my then friends to come have a game of football on the weekends with the exact reason being that i wanted to lose weight...They turned up with a few crates of beer ..So yeah that didnt work ..Ok guys so pointless thread is finished please point me in the direction of the cheapest magic pill.That solves all of those problems. But in all seriousness guys its more than health advice i need im in a mess .And being honest i am depressed as all hell ..
Hey Steven, welcome to the group. As someone about 30 years older than you, who started more than 100 lbs bigger than you believe me I have had a lot more lame excuses that you. You just have to forget those and move on.

So far as I know there is no magic pill at any price. I would point you to the diary pages, take a look read about others then start your own page. I think posting your food daily would help you, its a great way to understand what you are doing, keep you accountable, and get advice and support from others.

You have my sympathy over your son's diagnosis, DVD is a tough one. However I know a lot of progress with treatment is being made and the prognosis is getting better. I am an not a medical person, but my wife has a less aggressive form of muscular dystrophy so I know a little about it.

Best of luck to you!
Thank you :) And sorry to hear about your wife . Honestly my diet is extremely chaotic . i personally will eat anything .i tried replacing snacks with fruit but then i just eat a whole bunch of fruit and .find myself going back into the kitchen for more savoury snacks. . I stay up late because i get time to think and develop my games .I often find myself going to sleep around 4 am and waking at half six to get my son ready for school only to go back to sleep when his bus has left . This is a regular thing i do and can never seem to break the cycle .I will start making a note of what i am eating throughout the day and maybe get an idea of how bad my habbits are .Lol thank you
Hi, Steven & welcome to the forum. :iagree: with Rob. I'm sorry your son has DVD & it must be so tough on you & your wife.
It's time to make a new start. Part of that is to stop being so hard on yourself. There is no denying that you have it tough. One of the most important things that I see here is getting yourself healthy not only for your own sake but for your family's. The fitter & healthier you can get yourself the better able you will be to cope with future stress & hardship. The feeling you get when you start to make better choices will be priceless.
Starting a diary is a good start. It's a great outlet for your feelings & you will get good support & friendly advice. I count my WLF friends as my "actual" friends. I think they know me better than my friends in "real life" as I say what I feel here(within reason). The link to start is https://weight-loss.fitness.com/forums/weight-loss-diary.9/
I was once 36 kg overweight & whenever I felt like stuffing my face I would go into my diary & type away. Often I would delete half of it, but mostly it got me through that feeling.
There is no magic bullet. I think if you make a decision to get healthy you can do it. Work out a plan that suits you. Do you cook? Starting a "diet" that is mostly lean protein, lots of vegetables & some fruit, plus whole grains & going for a walk each day would be a great start. Walking can really improve your mood. Take it slowly & start changing some of your habits. I'm sure you can do this.
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