3 week cut (lost 15 pounds)

during those 3 weeks I lost zero strength and vastly transformed my body a bit (wearing 32" jeans with some room ftw look slim as hell).

My Workout Routine was 3 full-body workouts a week with 2 long distance cardios and 1 interval cardio.

Day A- Squat, Bench Press, Barbell Rows (all 3x3 very heavy)
Day B- Dead lifts, Incline Bench Press (3x3 heavy) and isolations (tricep pushdowns, bicep curls, shrugs, 3x10 or 2x8)

BreakFast- Omlette with ham, cheese bell Peppers. Bacon. Multivitamin
Lunch- Chicken Breast, Salad
Dinner- Protein Shake After workout
Roughly- 140-150 grams of protein, virtually no carbs, and even little fat. Was eating around 800-1300 calories mostly eating around 900. These 3 weeks were hell...

I carbed up every end of the week.

Before (roughly 183-184 pounds)

After (169 pounds)

A am very happy for my progress...I like being skinny then being skinny fat and I think I set myself a good base for this long clean bulk. Learned lots as well.

I'm not a guy that advocates slow cuts; I believe if you can save your strength and muscle you should cut as much as you can as quick as possible because you want to spend more time in a bulking phase. Plus any muscle you do lose you can regain through muscle memory. I personally experienced this after basic training (bench went from 135 to 210 in 7 weeks, dead lift went from 225 to 315 in 2 months).

I do not regret cutting first; I lost a lot of needed fat before a long bulk. Wish I had better quality pictures too.
Looking good man. I used to be exactly like you, hit the cut and hit it hard. Just so I could get back to putting on strength and size. Later I realized that being very lean requires dedication over long months. And when it's all said and done you'll be amazed.

Glad to see you finally got out of that 'skinny fat' stage, you look like a true athlete now.