2014 Pre Wedding Weight Loss


New member
Hello Everybody. I wont get too into my story right now, but after I proposed to my girlfriend at the end of 2013, I decided that I wanted to get into shape for my wedding (this October!) I started off at 210 pounds last Christmas, and as of this morning, I am 165. Right now I am struggling with knowing how much more weight I should be losing. I see myself differently than everyone else, so I was hoping I could get some feedback on what I should be focusing on these last two months. I really want to enjoy my honeymoon, and not be self conscious at all. Any advice would be great. Thanks.

The pictures I attached are the last picture taken of me on Christmas day, and the other is of me this morning. Also, Im new to this, so Im sorry if im in the wrong area or something.
Honestly I think you look about right just now, I don't think you need to lose any more.
Congrats on losing 45 pounds. Great job.

I'd say either drop just a littleeee more body fat, or eat at your maintenance calories, or at a very slight deficit from them (so just try to maintain your current weight, or drop very slowly) and put the focus on muscle-building exercises.

If you do that you have a chance at losing a bit more fat while building some muscle mass as well.

Good luck.
looking good buddy. i personally wouldn't lose any more - i reckon you're looking terrific. but that's just one person's opinion. well done and good luck for the big day. xx
45 lbs! Wow, that's awesome! just like the what others had said, yeah, stop it right there. Enough. Just maintain the weight now. :)