2013 Race Calendar - What's on your Schedule?

I find it really motivating to have a race or other event on my calendar. I would work out anyway, but having a goal makes a huge difference to the "umph" I put into my workouts and shapes my training to a degree. I'm not very competitive, but I really like to improve my times if I've done a race or a distance previously.

So what is on your schedule, and how is your training going?
With school taking up most of my time, I'll probably just be doing two more races this year.

Times Colonist 10k at the end of April - It's a time trial for me. I'm shooting for sub-40.
GoodLife Half Marathon in October - On Thanksgiving, so I'm hoping it will work me up an appetite. :p
Wow, sub-40 in a 10k is an impossible dream for me - good luck!

I'll likely do a mish-mash of our local summer running series races, probably 5k's rather than 10's just because they are more fun.

I'll do an annual 'event' in October, our Grand Canyon Double Crossing which is 50 miles non-stop, 11,000 feet elevation gain, about 19 hours.

At the moment, I'm really excited about a 24 hour race in June. I have not signed up yet. The notion of a timed race is so different than a set distance - I'm really intrigued by the idea of trying one. It's not about going X miles, instead, its how far can I go in 24 hours?