15 yo workout/ diet help!

Hello, I am 5'4'' and 128 lbs and need a workout. I am very small for my age, im actually turning 16 in June, and I want to get in shape. I don't have much muscle in my arms or anywhere on my body for that matter. I have actually never even lifted weights before,by that I mean on a regular basis. i have a good amount of fat on my stomach, it looks like a bear gut, and I want to get rid of it. I also want to get some arm muscle and eventually get abs when my stomach fat is gone. If anyone knows a good workout I can do and a simple diet that I could maintain independently with little help from my parents(cooking wise) it would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time!
The most efficient way for you to get to where you want to go is to go to your local gym and get some advice from a trainer there. If you have the ability and resources to do so, have your parents arrange a 6 session learning curve with a good trainer and get the basic lifting techniques of the squat, deadlift, ham glute raises, over head press, chin ups, low pully rows, bench press, push ups and crunches... spend day 1 doing squats, dead lifts, ham glute raises and crunches. Day 2 complete the other exercises and crunches and then take day 3 off to rest some and then repeat. Do this for 8 weeks then start looking for ways to manipulate and add to this list of foundational exercises. You need a good grounding in the art of weight lifting and that is hard got from books and videos when your starting out...

As far as nutrition is concerned. Just try and eat a good breakfast, lunch and dinner and in between times take on two snacks. Protein is your friend and the only nutrient that will aid in muscle growth, so try and get in approx 20 -30 grams per eating. So that is approx 100 grams of protein a day. Carbohydrate is your energy food, so look at taking on approx 20 to 30 grams of carb with each eating. And in addition to that you also need a little natural fat in your diet also... butter, olive oils, etc. But keep in mind that fat is very dense energy so you have to limit this. Your looking at taking on approx 20 grams a day of fat.

The nutritional aspect of this is going to be the hardest part of all. Muscle hypertrophy is a 3 part process... weight lifting to stimulate the muscles into growth, Nutrition to supply all the appropriate nutrients for the muscles to repair and get bigger and stronger and sleep to allow your body to go about these repairs and grow.. so make sure that you eat enough and get enough rest to stimulate the growth your looking for...

This is a very basic intro, but also remember that your young and still growing naturally so make sure that you get good exercise instruction from a qualified trainer so you will maximise your time at the gym and not hurt yourself. Be very conscious of the food thing for without the appropriate nutrition you will not have the building blocks for your muscles to grow bigger and stronger... and be sure to get 8-9 hours sleep a night.

Good protein sources... whey protein powder, eggs, fish chicken and steak, dairy products
Good carbs sources... all veges, good quality breads, grains like oatmeal, brown rice, nuts and seeds

Again this is very basic...

Breakfast... 3 eggs 2 slices of rye toast or something similar
glass of full creme milk
piece of fruit

mid morn... protein powder shake only
good handful of almonds, peanuts, etc

lunch... a good big sandwich with meat and salad
piece of fruit

mid afternoon... protein shake same as mid morning
peanut butter sandwich


dinner... a reasonable size piece of meat and as many veges as you can stomach...

try to eat your dinner at least 2 hours before you go to bed, if you don't have that luxury be sure to not eat too much when going to bed close to that final meal of the day.

I'm happy to answer any question you might have regarding this. So don't be afraid to message me and we can chat more...
Thanks man I just talked to my dad about going to the gym and he said that he would help me. Like you said the hardest part is probably going to be nutrition. I feel its going to be hard for me because I usually spend 2/3 days (including fridays of course) at my friends house. That makes it hard for me to always eat nutrious things. it might also be hard for me to have some of this because Im in school so I dont really get to eat/ pick what I eat that often. It is also summer so hopefully I can maintain this diet over the summer. Thank you for your help. Also im not sure if you know anything about this but do you know any way I can work on my lungs without medicine? I have asthma so cardio is extremely hard for me. I take meds but it doesn't really help me that much. For example after running one mile I am extremely tired more than an average runner my age should be. If you have any input on this I would really appreciate it. Thanks again!