
Oof, I was super hungry after work and picked up a döner wrap instead of making a salad and it's still sitting in my stomach like a monastery brick. Good thing the pierogi place is unexpectedly closed, I guess. Not quite sure what to do with dinner now, but maybe it's ok to wait with even thinking about it until my stomach is a little happier.
I was super hungry after work and picked up a döner wrap instead of making a salad and it's still sitting in my stomach like a monastery brick
oh man. yeah when I get super hungry like that i just want to fill myself up so I get that. Hope it settles out and maybe you can find something nice and light for dinner.
I really don't like the feeling of red meat sitting like a brick in my stomach. I hope that you can have a salad or maybe yoghurt & fruit to help it move along. I have an orange when I feel like that.
That probably would've been smart but it felt so unpleasant I just ended up eating some crackers. All that salt is not going to help my weigh-in this morning! But hey: actions have consequences 🤷‍♀️

Wasn't too bad. I'd hoped for a 0.5 kg drop this week and it ended up being 0.3. Monthly weigh-in isn't until Monday so if the salt did make the difference I should be good by then. Let's start the day with plenty of water then.
I sure hope so 🙏
Just went out to check if the machines at the gym have been repaired (they told me two months ago they were expecting repairs in January, which never made any sense) and now they're saying it'll probably take until March. So I'll have to bite the bullet and go to the soulless, further-away, huge location instead. @#$%! Plan: go to gym every Monday and Wednesday morning. Doesn't matter what or how much I do but I have to pack my gear, go there, and go into the changing room.
Did my shopping and my grocery shopping this morning and felt very vulnerable out in the sunshine. I guess trying to stay off my feet a little more these past couple of weeks further shrank my comfort zone. Can't have that. Will go for a (short, flattish) hike in a place I haven't been to tomorrow morning.
Have you thought about or have you already hooked into a local hiking club, Llama? I know I really enjoyed hiking in a small group years ago. I had a look & meetup.com looked interesting.
Will go for a (short, flattish) hike in a place I haven't been to tomorrow morning.
I hope you made it out for the hike and that it went ok on your foot...
Just went out to check if the machines at the gym have been repaired (they told me two months ago they were expecting repairs in January, which never made any sense) and now they're saying it'll probably take until March. So I'll have to bite the bullet and go to the soulless, further-away, huge location instead.
That's too bad you will have to go further out for the gym especially if you don't like the other one as much.
Doesn't matter what or how much I do but I have to pack my gear, go there, and go into the changing room.
Yes that's a great goal...a friend once told me to do that and it makes such a difference. I often do that when I don't feel like running--i say ok just walk up to the starting point of the run and if I don't feel like running I don't have to. Most often once I get to the starting point I'm up for a run. Sometimes I am really not but at least I know then it's a legit thing and not just laziness or procrastination or whatever...
Someone sent me this today: IMG-20230115-WA0012.jpg
I feel so seen!

It poured buckets today so I stuck to a short walk in town. Probably should've done something productive because the build I'm working on is resisting and now I feel frustrated and I want to eat all the sweets I can get my hands on. But I won't, because I want to be fit and healthy and I had a reasonable amount of sweets my my fruit and yogurt earlier today and it killed my digestion. That could've been the yogurt as well though: will have 50g tomorrow instead of 100g.

Edit: I did prep my gym bag, clean my new water bottles, and set my alarm for I don't want to know what time so I will be going to the gym tomorrow morning.
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Yes, I will be. I may have turned off the alarm and slept another half hour but I'm in my gym clothes and I'm about to head out even though it's making me anxious. I'll get used to it again. If only because my official weigh-in has me up 0.1 kg since last month. And I can point to the holidays or water weight or whatever I want but the truth is that for the past 2 months I've moved very little beyond what I do to get to work and then what I do with patients. So even if I'm eating decently now I'm simply burning fewer calories than normal.
Good for you making it to the gym. I think it takes a bit of effort getting back into the swing of things after Christmas break, so it's good to note your resistance and make that extra effort.
Thanks Liza, Floater and Cate :) It'll take a while to get back into the easy habit of getting up early and going to the gym right away on my late shift days but I feel like I had a little more energy all day thanks to doing so: motivation for next time. Very bloated today even though I greatly reduced my yogurt and sweets portion (fifty grams of yogurt and two eight-gram cookies) and had no other suspicious food or drinks. I'll still finish the yogurt hoping it's just my gut flora needing to adapt but I might try lactose-free next time.
Plan for tomorrow:
- Bean mash wraps
- Yogurt with cookie crumbles and (airfried) apple pieces
- Lentil stew with spätzle
- Light cardio
- Mackerel salad?
Thanks Cate, Liza, and Floater. Had a pretty good day, apart from another stomach upset. Not a lot after the yogurt (which was delicious with the baked apple and cinnamony speculoos) but quite a bit after dinner.
Plan for tomorrow:
- Gym
- Don't know yet
- Bean mash wraps
- Yogurt, fruit, speculoos
- Ham wraps
I should make use of my free morning to prep some more food to grab quickly the next couple of days. What to make though... I want something vegetarian, quick, healthy, and delicious. Some kind of casserole, probably. Eggs, bit of cheese, veggies? I'm sure I can find a fun recipe to try if I make the effort. So... better do so.