young kid wanting to change his life

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New member
Hello there, and thank you for opening this. I am a 15 year old boy. I am 6’1, and 231 pounds. I am “strong” for my age. I wrestle and play football. I am a lineman due to my size and am thrown into that category always. I have a big waist, and small legs. I am benching currently 245. Squatting 325. My biggest issue for me is my face and body fat. My legs have the least amount of fat them. I want a lifestyle change. I am tired of being in this slump. I cannot get close to any females because they never want to be with the “big guy”. This is more of a cry of help than anything. I don’t want to live like this anymore and I don’t know where to start.
At 15 you have a lot of life ahead of you.

The first place to start dropping the fat is to take a look at the food you are eating both at home and school, you will need to post that info here so we can make suggestions.

Your exercise is good but your should not be focused on your numbers as part of loosing the fat, I am assuming you also have have a number of training sessions per week with qualified coaches ? in addition to games and wrestling matches.
Hey Lost, welcome to the forum.

I could have written a post a lot like yours, 50 years ago. I now wish I had found a way to control my eating but I didn't, I got fatter and spent most of my life overweight. I hope you are wise enough to avoid that fate. I know it can be hard to focus on the future, hard at any age, but harder when you are young. For now Trusyler is right, you should start recording what you are eating and posting it here. Start a diary, smart people like Trusyler will be able to see it and advise.

You have made a good decision to try and do something about your eating, now I look forward to reading about your success!

FYI, I was never able to press over 240!

Best of luck to you!
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