Would this bodyweight circuit substitute HIIT on the treadmill?

(Just for a set amount of time, mind you, while I'm away and don't have access to a treadmill)

45-degree lunges x 15 reps per leg*
Jumping jacks x 50 reps*
Push-ups x 12 reps*
Lying hip extensions x 20 reps*
Burpees x 10 reps*
Squat jumps x 12 reps*
Plank x 30 secs*
High knees x 30 secs

Also, would it be safe to this bodyweight circuit 3 times a week (on non-consecutive days of course) and then strength training on the other three days (one total body, one upper body, one lower body), with one rest day?

Thanks in advance.

P.S: Also, considering I'm on a diet of 1200 calories, would this temporary substitution slow down my rate of weight loss (2 pounds a week)?
if you're trying to lose weight instead of cutting calories and killing yourself with that HIIT program,

try eating along

and sprinting


Sprinting is is short so you wont release cortisol after your workout which would normally happen after 30 minutes of conditioning and this hormone makes you crave carbs because cortisol releasing activities usually burn more sugar and muscle than fat and body fat. it depends on what energy system the body uses.

sprints are the preferend method because they are short and intense, and dont release cortisol and raise the metabolic rate for hours afterwards as your body tries to return to homeostasis.

for sprinting i prefer 100's and to start off i did these levels of a sprinting program after learning the form:
-sprint 100yds walk back repeat 10 times
-sprint 100yds count to 16, sprint back to starting repeat this 5 times
-sprint 100yds turn around and sprint right back repeat 5 times with no rest

if you have any questions feel free to message me.