Workouts That Increase Vertical Jump

Best exercises could be squats and calf raises. Others might have more to add. If you ever look at those little dudes who can squat a whole bunch of weight, you would be amazed and how high they can jump. It's unbelievable! The strengthening of your quads (squats) will give you a power surge for your ups, and the strengthening of your calves will give you that explosiveness at the top of the motion.
ya definitly squats, but i used to do these squats with no weights go all the way down and jump up. they are killer. called them frog hops. usually have a long stick like a broom handle behind my neck and holding up my arms.
niceone said:
Best exercises could be squats and calf raises. Others might have more to add. If you ever look at those little dudes who can squat a whole bunch of weight, you would be amazed and how high they can jump. It's unbelievable! The strengthening of your quads (squats) will give you a power surge for your ups, and the strengthening of your calves will give you that explosiveness at the top of the motion.


squats/calve raises =]
and a fellow at the gym told me about doing deadlifts to increase vertical jump.
Just found something you might be interested in.

Look in the second column from the left, under "Madison Power Exercise Videos." There's several there that may help you.
I did about 10 weeks of air alert and it did increase my vert a good 3-4 inches in that time, but it is extrememly hard on your body. The way air alert is set up you increase reps, not weight, and you never change excercises. The excercises are hard enough on your body with the low reps in the first week. By the time I hit week 10 the reps had gone up a ton and the excercises weren't any easier on my body. Anyways, it helps some but I'd be careful, I stopped because my knees were starting to bother me as well as my back. Weights are a good way to go unless you are naturally really strong with squats and stuff. I've seen just as much improvement (maybe more) from doing squats, leg curls, and calf raises as I did with air alert, and it isn't damaging my body.
You should try some plyometrics also. Jumping up and onto a box as quickly as safely can be performed for a certain amount of time/sets will help your muscles respond more effectively to the motions. Also tuck jumps (jump and bring your knees toward your chest) and butt kicks (jump and kick your butt) are good power exercises.
When doing a polymetric training you should see to it that you have a strong tendons and joints because you are adding a lot of stress on them and if ever they are weak you are risking yourself to injury which will may cause delays in seeing improvements. When you are in weight training you should focus on lifting weights that are 85% of your max rep, and quality of exercise and focus on speed.The faster you're able to lift the weight the more stress you put on the muscle and the stronger they will become.