workout help

This year im looking to make it the year i achieved my goals , im looking to build a body i can be proud of .

Im looking for some workout help but mainly im looking for some ab routine help , im looking for ab routines i can do daily when at the gym and can mix up a bit so im not always doing the same workout but get the best all round workout i can for my abs and obliques

If anyone could help me out that would be amazing as i want to start my goals by moving in the right direct :)
The best ab results you'll get will come from your diet, not what you do in the gym. You can sit-ups all day, but if you're not eating correctly, nothing will come of it.
O yes im aware that my diet plays a big part of the process and i think i have that al sorted out so now just looking for the other part to help me along the way :)
Well, I could give the spiel about doing sit-ups and planks, but honestly, the best core work will come from your compound lifts such as squats and dead lifts, where, when done correctly, engage your core very well. Abs are muscles, just like your biceps, so weighted exercises are what's going to make them grow. I used to do weighted sit-ups on a decline bench and a 45lb weight after finishing my main lifts. I started out with a 10lb plate and worked my way up. Not even a crazy amount either. 3 sets of 8 to 12 will do you just fine, and as any other muscles goes, recovery. Doing 100 crunches a day isn't going to do much for you.