Working Marilyn's Plan


New member
This is my first entry and tomorrow morning is the first day of my new plan for living. There is a Weight Watchers group that meets Wednesday nights and I plan to start this week - but I'm not going to wait until Wednesday to get started! :p

I am a 56-year-old single woman. I work long hours as a Human Resources Manager and the stress takes a lot out of me. The long hours make it easy for me to take the easy route to dinner through Wendy's drive-thru.

I am 100 lbs overweight. I saw a picture of myself last week and couldn't believe that I had gotten that big. The features of my face have disappeared! It was a shock because I don't look that big in the mirror.

I am also lazy. Even though nothing makes me feel better about myself, I find it hard to make myself exercise. I've had a membership at Curves for two years and with two startups have only gone 5 times... I have a Gazelle on my back porch and I really enjoy doing it but I never get around to it... I live in a great neighborhood where people are friendly and visit in their yards - makes walking the dog fun but when cold weather hit that seemed like a good excuse to curl up on the couch with a blanket... :(

Today I made some turkey soup, put some turkey in the freezer, made some menus to grocery shop tomorrow, and looked for this site... the first day of my plan! :D
I too started with a 100lb loss to tackle,..I broke it down into 4 goals of 25lbs..then it didnt seem so overwhelming (down about 16 kg now). Stock the fridge with premixed salad,..precut veggies for stir frys, precook some chicken breast so when you get home from a grueling day at the office, can eat with little effort, help you resist the urge of Wendy's...or if you do go thru Wendy,..try the salads (they are not bad!!!)
Ya I know you know all this... ;)
Let us know how WW went...there are some other ladies here doing WW, and it seems to be successful for them.

Great success to you
where are you?? you seemed ready come on back you can do it. I just hope you happen to browse by this site again or have it saved in your favorites so you can get this mesg.
Dont give up on yourself we are here for you. :)
Good luck! I hope this plan goes well! :):)