Who's done the "30-day shred"?

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I have been doing the 30-day shred for about 10 days now and lost 6 lbs so far. I was just curious what others' experience was and how long they did it for?
i started last night!!
I am actually thinking about purchasing it and I wanted to know if anybody had great results with it!
So apparently you can't link to the product. Very odd. To the previous poster who asked about it, I suggest you check Google (am I even allowed to say that word since they are a company?) and type in "30 Day Shred". It's a video tape sold by Jillian Michaels. It's quite popular and has amazing reviews.
Right. It's a workout program that you will have to combine with low calorie to really work. They claim 20 pounds in 30 days, just don't expect that.

Outside that, they say the program itself is solid.
For anyone wanting to try it, check with your cable provider's free OnDemand selection. Comcast and Verizon (in certain geographical areas) offer it free. I just did Level 1 and I'm surprised it was so intense and so little time.
today will be my 5th day on it straight and its gotten slightly easier and by easier i mean im not having to stop half way inbetween the cardio for as long haha, its tough for me it is but im still over200 lbs, i weigh in on friday almost a week into it we'll see if its added any results but regardless i plan to do it for the full 30 days, i cant wait to switch to level 2 tho cause the repeitive of level one is kinda making me twitch but thats what you get with work out videos repeptiveness
I'm such a total lurker, and not a new mom, but this was bumped to the top at the home page and drew my attention so I will respond.

I really like the 30-Day Shred! It is a great well-rounded workout if you are pressed for time, as it implements strength & cardio, and you really can work hard for those 25-30 minutes. I don't consistently do this workout, though - I throw it in once a week, or more, if I don't have time to go out for a run or get to the gym. I feel that it's a great substitute for a long workout! I actually did get to level 3, but after doing it a few times I found 3 was more boring than 1 & 2. So instead of 3, I would do 1 & 2 consecutively for more of a challenge (skipping the cool-down after 1 and the warm up before 2, obviously).

As for results, I feel like it helps me burns calories without a ton of time committment... even though I do prefer more cardio in my workouts (like going for a nice run), it will do in a pinch! Yes, I know I'm weird!!
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This is a great workout video. I did the first few days via my cable provider and then I got the $9 video. It was well worth it for me.

I wish I took my measurements when I started the program, but I can already see a difference in my body. :)
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I did try the program before and I liked it. I lost some inches and pounds. I think its a great start! Personally...I went DRASTIC when I did my workout program this last time around (I say last time because this weight loss battle is WON!!!)
AI'm not a mommy but I eventually want to be so I strayed in here and found this. :D I've been doing level 1 of the 30 day shred for the last 4 days or so. It kicks my ass and I can feel the ache. So I believe it works. C:
I tried the 30 day shred and did not like it. But to each her own :). I did however try the 3 week diet which I found to be enjoyable. It is is just a personal preference. They offer a free EBook rightnow as well. You can check it out at I believe they are still offering the free ebook as well. Let me know how it goes for you
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