WHEN Exercising, We Forget What Physically-Matters

Commitment Works!
Health-Education & Exercise Teaching: The Living-Giving-Health Matters

When Exercising, We Forget What Physically-Matters?

What this short-topic discusses is when we take our biological-body and its internal-functions into an exercise workout/routine/program we usually will forget, ignore, neglect our “inners” that makes the outer move.
In the nature of human-existence it is the physical-matter of the human-body that is the “real” internal forces at work.
We just don’t pay attention to this fact-of-the-matter.

Mind-over-Matter thinking has put our brain and our heart at risk by distracting and disabling the heart-brain’s natural ability of operating the nurturing biological-functions of giving for healthy living.
Our perception is that a human-mind is what controls the actions of the human-body, but, the reality is that a mind is not “controlling” everything; even when you think it is.

Human-health is not an “idea” but an “activity.”
This is why the heart beats steadily, the body breathes regularly, the brain perpetuates activity, blood flows constantly, internal-functions operate in harmony; it is motion-in-the-moment that is movements of life.
Movement gives birth-to-life - that which is not static/still.

Nowhere was “mind” mentioned in the above regarding the ongoing biological-functions.
A mind has its time and place to contribute.
A mind’s abstract-thinking denies the body health by only knowing this and that thing called “health.”
This can cause a person to behave inappropriately which affect the body’s function of producing health.

A Mind is with the brain like the fish is with the ocean.

The human-body and a human-mind are two separate entities – for real.
The one nice thing about a mind is having one.
The next best thing is having a body that uses it rightly.

The human-body has its own intelligence and it requires an intelligent human-being to observe the smarts of the body-human.
The human-body is not ignorant…a human mind is what makes it seem ignorant.
The loss of the body’s inborn/innate intelligence is an action when our mind interferes; therefore the body itself loses its intrinsic-organic intelligence.
Innate intelligence is recognizing that you have the power to create your health and its way of using it; realizing the responsibility of care by responding to your own actions of doing and not doing.

Understand the operation of your own brain-mind and the actions you produce with your body.
Watch your relationship with nature, people, your thoughts, your speaking and your response. When you learn this, it is the start of the journey of “self-knowledge and self-discipline.”

From a mind of knowledge, everyday something is added.
In the body of understanding something is let-go.
When we “let-go” our brain can rest while still working naturally and peacefully with the body’s function – a peaceful mind arises out of a restful brain.

When a mind is free of the burden of knowledge, conflict and confusion, a mind can find out health’s truth is an inward-outward movement/action that is not divided or separate.

Next-UP: HEALTH IS Mind Over Matter…I Think?Talk about health, fitness, exercise - lifestyles and “a mind” is always somewhere in the conversation.

Throughout the world’s thinking a human-mind is seen as the all-powerful within one’s body of life.
A mind is the self-proclaimed ruler of the human-body.
But is a mind really that or do we just think it is?
Yes that is true...
If you're an exerciser, it might be exciting to look returning on your record and see what you've had to get over to keep your whole body shifting. It's awesome what some individuals go through and still keep transportation.