What has been working for me!

I started with a straightforward 3 times a week full body weightlifting routine. Then I added on a little bit of cardio at the end of each session... but that made me too tired. So I started doing 3 days of weightlifting and three days of Cardio for a total of six days total exercise. With weightlifting many people worry about getting big and bulky this is pretty much near impossible because it doesnt magically happen overnight and you can keep gauge with your growth of muscle very easily. I combine both cardio for fat loss and metabolic boost, with weightlifting to build more lean body mass, when you build more lean body mass your body burns more calories at rest so you turn your body into a fatburning machine. As far as workouts go there is this really good site i use they do sell stuff but they have a huge repository of exercises and workouts for free bodybuilding.com Be sure to work your full body every workout if you cant work at least you chest, back, and legs. The larger muscles you use the more you are going to encourage muscle growth... and more muscle means more fat being burnt of your body YAY!

As far as nutrition i've just been following something similar to the zones 40-40-20 40% carbs 40% protein 20% fat... but i think thats way to much protein for a normal person so i changed it to 50% carbs 30% protein 20% fat. Pretty easy to figure out just READ THE LABELS of the food you eat. The type of fats you consume are key as well you want unsaturated fats. Also i have been splitting my meals into about 4-5 smaller meals a day. Every meal has to consist of at least one lean protein, some good healthy carbs like less processed, and a little bit of healthy fats.

I know theres alot to it but by doing this ive shed 20lbs in 3-4 months. If you want any specifics about what i do please feel free to PM me. Good luck in losing the weight.
thats great! thank you for sharing your methods and congrats on your weight loss!