What can I do to ut on muscle mass?

Hey guys, I work construction and don't have any time to go to a gym so I was wondering what can I do at home that will allow me to put on some muscle. Are there any supplements that I can take before I go to work to help build muscle during my work day? I don't have any equipment at home, besides a curl bar. I'm about 5'10 and weigh about 114, with about 8-10% fat. I'm kind of a little guy, which is why I want to put a little bit of muscle on.
There are a number of bodyweight exercises you can do at home if required. Adding some weight in a back pack will increase the intensity of these. There is a member who hasn't posted for a while JustinRVA who posted a link to 50 great bodyweight exercises several times in the bodyweight forum and that is good.
The difficulty with bodyweight work is getting the intensity high enough to get you maxing out at the 6 to 10 rep ideal for muscle gain. This is easier to achieve on upper body work but your legs are used to handling your weight so making them work hard with just body weight and a bit more often results in single leg work etc. If you are thinking not to bother with legs google image 'don't miss legs day' for some good reasons to train properly.
Supplements wise, don't bother. Eat well and you won't need to supplement your diet. The word supplement means covering for a lack of something. If your diet isn't lacking you don't need supplements, and if you are eating a typical western diet, especially for a construction worker you are getting more than enough protein to be converting some of it to fat now, so adding to it will add to your fat stores not muscle. Can't imagine why supplement manufacturers don't mention that a lot of excess protein is converted to lipoproteins aka fat, can you?
Hi Odin,
The short answer: the way to put on mass is by consuming more calories than you burn. Supplements could help to a degree, but diet is definitely key. A lot hinges on what your work consists of and the intensity of those activities (and even if you're carrying stuff around all day, you're likely still not working your muscles evenly). If home-based programs are something you would consider, I'm actually going to be doing one this summer that is all about putting on mass...some of my friends have done it and gained between 15 and 20lbs in 3 mo. And I'm talking muscle, not fat. It's an awesome program and very instructional...I can't wait to do it (might be eating those words!) Happy to discuss further if you want.

When you want to gain both weight and muscle mass, you will need to make dietary and exercise changes to help you reach your long-term goals. Choosing healthier foods and performing the right types of exercises can help you gain weight safely and build more lean muscle mass. You do not want to gain an unhealthy amount of weight or use unhealthy foods to help support your weight gain. Having the right combination of calories and exercise will help you gain weight safely and build muscle mass. (Indian workouts)