Weightloss with medication


New member
Hi! First time here in the forum. Went to the doctor yesterday and weighed in at 248 lbs. I was sick to my stomach. So he wants me to take phentermine and of all things glucophage. :confused: I thought this was for diabetes, but he said it would help me shed the pounds. Just wondering if anyone has ever heard about anyone taking glucophage for weight loss. Thanks.

CW - 248
GW - 140
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i have heard of glucophage (also known as metformin) used for diabetes and also to treat people AT RISK for diabetes. i have also heard it used for those with polycystic ovaries. just by virtue of your weight and maybe other risk factors i dont know about, maybe you are at risk for diabetes? i have talked to people that have been on it and yes they all lose weight! as for the phentermine, that is a great appetite suppresant but should only be used short term as it can be addictive.

btw, your ticker should be placed in your signature space not your post. that is why its showing up as a link and not a ticker. if you need help let me know by sending me a private message.
Thanks for the input and the ticker information. i will try to work that out, if not, i will definately seek some assistance. Aside from being over weight, i don't have any other diabetes risk factors, that i am aware of. Today was my first day on both pills, and my appetite is definately suppressed. I am also having some stomach issues, which after a week or so, should go away. Thanks again!