Weight loss rate?


New member
Hello, how are you all.

Lately, I've been cutting all of the junk and crap from my diet, and just eating pretty much home-cooked meals and low-fat foods. It's been probably 15 days now since I stopped eating crap, and in these 15 days....well, I've lost weight. I'm roughly 6'4 and I was 285 lbs before I started this. Right now, I've lost about 10 pounds in 2 weeks, making me at 275. I'm just wondering, is this normal? I mean, I'm not starving myself or anything. I eat just as well. Any thoughts?
Sounds like now that you've stopped filling your body up with junk, its had a chance to finally clean itself out! People lose weight differently... some take weeks to see any results at all (like me :p), but some drop a huge amount right to start, and then in either case, your body will naturally reach a normal rate of weight loss if you keep up the good habits.

You might keep losing like that for another week or so, and then I wouldn't be surprised if it dropped to a maximum of 2lbs a week if you follow a healthy diet.

As the saying goes, don't look a gift horse in the mouth ;)
What about water? All I've been drinking has pretty much been Diet Pepsi. Should I be doing water instead?
is that a rhetorical question :) ... soft drinks are horrible for you. They drain your body of water and they are loaded with sugar and other garbage. Drinking water is one of the best things you can do for your body. It has many positive affects, like helping lose weight.

As for your weight loss, the more you have to lose, the faster you will lose it once you start getting on the right track. The better shape you get in, the harder it is to lose. Every change you make will have a base line, given that all other factors remain the same. Your body will lose weight on an exponential curve as it gets closer and closer to that base line (meaning that the weight loss will be dramatically less and less each passing day/week/month)
I was wondering about weight loss speed too. I have been changing my eating habits. So for the last two weeks I have eaten fruits and veggies mostly with a few turkey sandwiches here and there. I've also started the gym this week so I'm brand new into this endeavor of mine to lose weight. well I weighted about a week ago and I weighed today and I lost 6 pounds. But that seems insane. I eat a lot, its just better food. I know its healthy to lose about 2 pounds a week which was what I'm going for. I'm not going to complain that I lost six but is this just a first week fluke? I don't want to lose weight in a way that I will gain it back.
laminak said:
I was wondering about weight loss speed too. I have been changing my eating habits. So for the last two weeks I have eaten fruits and veggies mostly with a few turkey sandwiches here and there. I've also started the gym this week so I'm brand new into this endeavor of mine to lose weight. well I weighted about a week ago and I weighed today and I lost 6 pounds. But that seems insane. I eat a lot, its just better food. I know its healthy to lose about 2 pounds a week which was what I'm going for. I'm not going to complain that I lost six but is this just a first week fluke? I don't want to lose weight in a way that I will gain it back.

some of it was probably water weight. i'll bet in the next week or so it slows down so i wouldnt worry. ;)
Congrat Jonsoul,,,,,,,looks like you are on the road to success. Great Job!. Keep doing what you are doing..........other then drinking the soda. Get away from it, diet or no diet, like the other poster said, it is bad for you and you need to drink water......yes water....evern with your meals. It will get easy I promise.