Sport Vegitarian

Sport Fitness
Hello to all. Thanks for taking a look at my post. I've been weight trainning for about 5 years. This last year, I took it to the max. Doing max weights, Max repititons, and just a harder workout overall. Anyways, I've been a vegitarian for the last 2 years. Can anybody offer any information that I should be aware of. Any food or workout guidelines. I can do the weights no problem, but after my workouts, I'm usually tired all day. No energy to do anything else. Anyways, I would love to hear different opionions. Thank you.
Sounds like diet is your problem. Do what you can to get balanced meals. Make absolutely sure you have a high protein/simple carb post workout meal.
Eat often, every 2-3 hours for about 6 meals a day.
I was a vegetarian for about 11 years. I felt the best when I ate lots of whole grains, eggs, lentils or black beans with brown rice, unsweetened soymilk, natural peanut butter. Make sure each of your meals includes fat, crabs and protein.

Good luck.

correct carb consumption shouldn't be a problem on a vegetarian diet..but protein is a little trickier.
Do you still eat eggs and dairy products? Egg whites and cottage cheese are excellent protein sources.