Total newbie needs some questions answered

Hi all, new to the forum and new to weight lifting. I have decided to take up some weight training and i have given it a few goes but i need wanted to know some stuff

1. I don't own any fancy machines and dont goto the gym, planning on doing it at home, i have a set of weights, dumbells and a bar and a basica bench, would this be sufficient enough for doing total body workouts?

2. I have been doing some exercises which involed bending down e.g. barbell straight-back deadlift and squats and i have noticed that by back pains, would this because of technique or would i need something like a lifiting belt?

3. I have looked at specific muscles and looked into how to build them, i am not too sure on terminology just yet but this is what im doing:

Quadriceps - squats (not sure if i am doing right)
Hamstrings - Straight-back Straight-leg Deadlift (not sure if im doing this right)
Calves - Standing Calf Raise (i have been told to do this on some kind of step with a dumbell in hand)
Back Bent-over Row (using the bench)
Deltoid - Upright Row and Dumbbell Front Raise
Chest - Bench press (im finding that my arms start burning rather then my chest so definaly need to look into that)
Biceps - Dumbell curl
Tricps - bench press (going the otherway around)
Abdominal - sit-ups

At the moment they are all very lightly weights just so i can get some technique going, at the moment i am doing this with bar, dumbell and bench, do any of these exercises need looking into more or changing? Im doing 10 X 3 reps.

The aim at the moment is to get into a regular pattern of exercise but havent started yet until i get all the facts.

Im sure there is alot i need to look into before starting properly.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.