Total Gym type machine and best weight loss workout

Hi all

I have a total gym type machine and I just bought John Carleo's 6 to 8 minute workout DVD. I would like to know if anyone here has had success using this type of equipment and workout to successfully lose weight? I'm just using the total gym as a name everyone knows. I have a different brand but really don't want to get into the this machine is better than that discussion. That is pretty much discussed in another thread.

Thanks for your response
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Well here I am again, my thought for weight loss using a total gym type machine to me would take more than 6 to 8 minutes. I guess I still stuck on more is better mindset. I have read some of these success stories how these guys and gals have lost weight using these machines but they don't specify what they did, whether they worked out 6 - 20 to 50 minutes a day, every day or every other day. Or if they work out every other day. what kind of nutrition program they followed if any. I'm a 52 year old male who really needs to get in shape after years of abuse, I'm 285 and 5'-10" tall. I have this machine and a gym membership but I am usually short on time. I just need some honest direction to follow. Like I said I started John Carleo's 6 to 8 minute program, but it doesn't seem like a long enough program. Although I am only on day 2 of the program. I'm sure there are others out there that have had success with these machine's and some type of workout routine. Some honest and constructive help would be greatly appreciated.

First of all what you need to get right is your diet (which you have mentioned nothing about) and secondly whatever weights/machine youre using, presuming its resistance training, it should be a full body workout.

This would take much much longer than 6-8 mins. ;)

First of all what you need to get right is your diet (which you have mentioned nothing about) and secondly whatever weights/machine youre using, presuming its resistance training, it should be a full body workout.

This would take much much longer than 6-8 mins.

Thank you Mick G. for your response.

I guess this is a full body workout just over a weeks time. As far as diet I haven't figured that part out yet. 1 step at a time right now.
I'm just trying to figure out a routine that works. The machine came with workout cards but they are just workouts. I have no idea what they are designed for.They have Beginner,Intermediate, youth, Mens , woman, split,circuit, etc.
I am looking for a place to start. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has had a problem where to start and what works. I also believe by looking at the number of views of this thread there are others who would like to know as well.

By searching the net I find all kinds of reviews. I just don't find any facts.
I find success stories of weight loss but not any facts.
Like how long the workouts are.
What program to use. whole body, or legs one workout back and arms another workout.
I just thought there are people out there that have had success with these machine's and would like to share their information.
I just don't want to waste my time doing the wrong program.
I worked out at a gym for a year once, they kept changing my program every so many weeks, althouh I got stronger I never lost any weight. Although the owner of the gym wanted me to compete in some power lifting competitions. We were clearly going in different directions.
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The workouts are designed to get you in shape. There is no wrong program if you are doing some type of resistance exercise. Just follow the workout cards and you will be fine. I workout on mine in the mornings and evenings. I have gone from 202 lbs. down to 170.2 lbs at the present. I want to get ripped instead of bulking up so I do many reps with lighter weights... even though I have added 30 lbs to my TG. 2 max sets to failure with the exercise I have chosen for that day. Morning and evening.
The workouts are designed to get you in shape. There is no wrong program if you are doing some type of resistance exercise. Just follow the workout cards and you will be fine. I workout on mine in the mornings and evenings. I have gone from 202 lbs. down to 170.2 lbs at the present. I want to get ripped instead of bulking up so I do many reps with lighter weights... even though I have added 30 lbs to my TG. 2 max sets to failure with the exercise I have chosen for that day. Morning and evening.

Thank You for your response Thunderchild

If you don't mind me asking, are you dieting also? You say you workout morning and evening, what workouts do you follow? Do you work out twice every day? If so why?

Sorry if I ask to much, but there is so much confusion on what to do what not to do and then there is nutrition. I really get confused.
Well I would not say I am dieting per se! I have cut out white bread, white rice, potatoes, sugar and most starches. They keep my blood sugar a little too high and kept the weight on. Cutting these foods out has helped my weight loss greatly. I workout morning and evening yes. On mondays, wednesdays and fridays I do upper body. On the TG I do chin ups, pullups, military presses, dips and the swimmer exercises. No order just pick one for the morning or evening and do it for as long as it takes to reach a 50 count. I work in sets of 10 to 12 reps. I have added 30 extra pounds to the TG and keep it at the highest level. For lower body I do one legged squats and toe raises to failure on tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays.
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I know this is an old thread, but I did find a Youtube link of someone that lost 20lbs and is demoing the workout that he used and includes a link to a spreadsheet you can download to track the exercises.

Really the key to losing weight is to burn more calories than you take in. Also the more muscle you have the more calories you will burn even while resting/sleeping. So any type of strength training should help. Strength training and reducing your caloric intake while maximizing protein intake should REALLY help. My personal diet suggestions while strength training would include cutting out all sodas (especially sugary sodas), switching to a lower fat milk, switching to a healthier bread, eat more meats (the leaner the better), and learn to eat LOTS of tuna fish. As mentioned you want to reduce overall caloric intake while increasing your protein intake. It takes protein to build muscle and also it requires more calories for your body to even digest proteins. Tuna fish is one of the highest concentrations of protein per ounce to be found so eat lots of that. Just think, more proteins and less carbs/starches.

Years ago when I was hitting the gym hardcore to bulk up I ate a minimum of two cans of tuna per day. I would just open the can, add a little salt, pepper, low fat mayo, and a few drops of mustard, stir it up and eat it straight from the can. This was my between meal snack, daily.