Thinner Thighs?


New member
I'm on the path to losing weight again and am hoping to obtain slightly thinner thighs this time around. I know that I'm never going to have 'twig' thighs and that's not what I'm striving for. But the last time I was thin, I had a muscular build and my thighs responded better to training than any other body part (with the exception of my triceps). I enjoy weight training and am not afraid to get big muscles. But I just want to look more proportioned this time around.

Should I train heavy for my upper body and train light for my lower half? Like, instead of doing 3 sets of 12 reps on the leg press with 50 lbs of weight, would doing 2-3 sets of 25 reps with 20 lbs of weight help me achieve slighter thinner thighs in the long run?

Or would I be better off not training legs at all? I enjoy doing a lot of cardio (1-2 hours a day, 6 or 7 days a week) and suspect that my leg muscles are getting pumped from just that alone.
Champ My sister in law has had problems with the leg area and we recommended that she do lighter weights higher reps and it worked out real well for her. I would try it. I would NOT stop working out your legs.

Good luck
Thanks for your input. So I'm going to do the higher reps. I plan on doing 3 sets of 25 reps on the leg press using 20 lbs of weight and 3 sets of 25 reps on the hack squat machine using 10 lbs of weight. Is this enough reps per set?
I would do 3 exersises and 3 sets of 12-15 reps. Try leg extensions or quats. Also are you doing hamstring exer? Do the same for ham as quads. I would do legs 1-2 times a week no more. You will over train and have 3 days in between to rest the legs.

My work out is like this



Rear Delts

Wednesday Light workout

Legs, quads, hams, and calves


The same as Monday


The same as Tuesday


Same as Wednesday but go heavy

That is what has worked for me. Good luck
First what are your stats?
What is your current diet in detail and caloric intake?

You cannot spot reduce. Higher reps wont thin out your thighs. Thin thighs come from low body fat. Low body fat come from eating in a SMART healthy caloric deficit. Not to be mean but I would ignore the advice of the above poster.
Live4fitness, I'll do the leg training once-a-week thing, but I already did the 12-15 rep range before and for me it produced big muscular thighs. Thanks for your input; I appreciate it.

Leigh P., I'm 5'4", 186 lbs, and my scale says 43% bodyfat. I'm really shocked that my bodyfat could get so high. When I was 110 lbs, I had it tested at Bally's using some electro device (placed on my feet) and it was at 17%. At that bodyfat, I still had the big thighs. Not really a problem since I could care less what size pants I fit into, but I couldn't get my upper body (mainly my chest and shoulders) to match my leg size. That's why I want to see if there's a way to get slightly thinner thighs this time around.

I'm wondering if right now, since I'm so early into my weight loss, if I should even be worried about thigh size in the long run. Maybe I should just focus on losing the weight first, and then work on the particulars?

As for diet, I just started a diary here that gives stats. I'm striving for at least 40 grams of protein a day, trying to keep my calorie intake at around 1,400, eating about 4 cups of fruits and veggies a day, drinking my 8 glasses of water a day, and exercising regularly.
I was never happy with my legs. Now they are my most prized part of my body. A clean consistant diet combined with cardio exercise and some serious weight training is going to be the way to go. For women, I would suggest training legs at least 2x per week. And dont be easy on yourself. Heavy squats, lunges, presses, and lots of other exercises will help. And dont forget to train your calfs!!! They will make your legs look athletic and amazing.