Weight-Loss The One Day Procrastinator's Challenge

OK. This isn't my original idea, but they say that imitation is the best form of flattery, so I'm imitating...

The idea here, is to be able to give yourself a pat on the back for one day.. Now's your chance to do that one thing you've been putting off doing. Your objective: To list the item that you've been procrastinating, it can be exercising, making aphone call, runningan errand, whatever... writing it down will be your committment to doing it... THEN when you've done it - come back and edit your post, then change the post icon to a thumbs up that you've done what you said you would do - and give yourself (we'll help) a pat on the back. :D
I have to procrastinators challenges for myself today:
1. fold and put away the basket of laundry that's been sitting in the living room since friday night...
2. Walk up to the management office to pick up the UPS package that was delivered yesterday that contains the parts the repair man needs to fix my exercycle.
1. Make 2 dental appointments for cavities/sealents - DONE :D
2. Find a doctor taking new patients and make an appointment
3. check into Dad's bullets.
4. wash my dirty dishes
5. wash and fold my laundry