Cohen's Lifestyle The advantages of losing weight, becoming slim & staying slim.

Prefix for Cohen's Lifestyle
I don't want to concentrate on food 24/7
I don't want to be ruled by what to eat next
I don't want to finish a whole bag of anything
I don't want to constantly eat eat eat
I don't want to be happy staying at home because I get to eat all the time
I don't want to look like I'm 9months pregnant
I don't want to be the 'fattest' amongst my friends

I want to be able to swim with my daughter and not sit on the sidelines pretending my hair's going to be spoilt
I want to fit into all of my clothes
I want to wear a smaller size
I want to look, think and feel healthy
What a great thread. It has been touched on, but I think the biggest thing for me, is the staying slim part.

Staying slim means I've finally got some kind of balance in my life that will likely spill over into other areas. No more pendulums swinging back and forth. This has been a lifelong struggle, either at one end of the spectrum or the other. Balance, a happy medium.
I thought I should re-visit this for myself & see what resonates for me now. It's very interesting. I'll add my comments as to whether I feel that way these days. I'll be very honest.
Some of my reasons- (not in any particular order of importance)
I deserve to be slim. We all do.
I will have taken control of my body & my life. Yes, I hope so.
I will be proud of myself. I am.
I won't feel so self-conscious. Nowhere near as much!
I will be in better health. Yes- by far!
I'll feel better physically. Much better!
I'll have more confidence. Yes-must keep working on it though.
I'll be less self-critical. Needs work! I'm too self-critical still.
I'll feel more comfortable, especially in Summer. Yes, definitely!
I'll be happier when I look in the mirror. Much happier!
I'll feel more outgoing. Yes.
I will feel that I have accomplished something important. I have & I do!
I'll have more energy. Way more.
I'll be able to get down & play with the grandkids with comparative ease.Yes! Can run with them & play soccer etc. Who would have thought it? Not me. Yay!
I'll enjoy wearing nice clothes. Yes but still too conservative!
I'll be able to shop in any store. Yes, except for lack of $'s but that's ok.
I should live longer. Hope so!
I'll be more physically fit. Absolutely!
I'll feel more in control. Mostly
I'll do more things like go to the beach. Mmm beach?bathers? Not yet!
I'll be able to dance in public without feeling self-conscious. Yes! I love dancing!
I'll feel better about myself. Definitely
I won't feel uncomfortable when people hug me. Best part!!
I won't feel that I am letting myself down. True!
I'll feel better in my body( my body will match my brain). Getting there.
I won't feel ashamed. Very true!

I think that will do for now. I would be happy if anyone wants to post their reasons or to hear if any of these in particular strike a chord with you. I love sharing my thoughts now. Something I couldn't or didn't do before.
Cheers to all, Cate :)

That little exercise just did wonders for my self-esteem. What a good idea this is. Do it for yourself because this is about You!
xoxo to everyone out there, Cate

I have been thinking about this a lot as I think we need to constantly remind ourselves of our personal reasons for wanting to be slim. I have borrowed from books, from this forum & from other forums &, of course, have my own ideas & thoughts. Anyone is welcome to share theirs.
I read an article today in a Newspaper's magazine in which the writer has her own "Newsflash" that "No diet will make you thin (I don't like this word-insert slim for me) unless you think you deserve to be" and I think that is almost the most important requirement before we will achieve our weight-loss goal. We must learn to love ourselves & truly believe that we deserve it.

Some of my reasons- (not in any particular order of importance)
I deserve to be slim.
I will have taken control of my body & my life.
I will be proud of myself.
I won't feel so self-conscious.
I will be in better health.
I'll feel better physically.
I'll have more confidence.
I'll be less self-critical.
I'll feel more comfortable, especially in Summer.
I'll be happier when I look in the mirror.
I'll feel more outgoing.
I will feel that I have accomplished something important.
I'll have more energy.
I'll be able to get down & play with the grandkids with comparative ease.
I'll enjoy wearing nice clothes.
I'll be able to shop in any store.
I should live longer.
I'll be more physically fit.
I'll feel more in control.
I'll do more things like go to the beach.
I'll be able to dance in public without feeling self-conscious.
I'll feel better about myself.
I won't feel uncomfortable when people hug me.
I won't feel that I am letting myself down.
I'll feel better in my body( my body will match my brain).
I won't feel ashamed.

I think that will do for now. I would be happy if anyone wants to post their reasons or to hear if any of these in particular strike a chord with you. I love sharing my thoughts now. Something I couldn't or didn't do before.
Cheers to all, Cate :)

Cate, this really really hit home!! I can relate to every single item on the list!
Thank You for this!

This has just given me extra motivation & determination to loose this excess weight!

Tx a mil - this is going up in my office!! All credit to you!
God Bless!
Some of my reasons- (not in any particular order of importance)
  • I will be able to ride a roller coaster without being afriad of maybe not fitting in.... (I was SO close to being not able to strap in last March!!!)

    You stole mine :)

    But I don't fit in. I just remember a few years ago with Amy, one of our first 'dates' at Universal Studios. We was getting in and even in the 'fat person' ones in the back, they couldn't get it in.

    I was beyond embarassed.

    I love roller coasters and dang it I'm getting back in them!
Thank you Mands :)
Once you start putting your thoughts 'out there' & being really honest about how you feel & how you would like to be, something seems to shift inside & you move toward where you want to be. Well....that's happened with me. Glad I could help motivate you. That makes me feel really good! xo Cate
+ My car will get better gas mileage. (An extra 100 pounds in the trunk can reduce a typical car’s fuel economy by up to two percent.)
+Saved money on life insurance policy.
+I enjoy getting compliments.
+I am setting a better example for family members and friends who also need to lose weight.
+Circulation of air feels great around body parts that used to rub together.
+I can reach parts of my body that were previously inaccessible.
+I can pick things up off the floor without having to pull myself up by holding onto something.
- Lawn tractor gets less traction going uphill, due to less weight on rear wheels, but
+Mowing hillside with hand mower is a good opportunity for exercise.
I will not feel guilty when people say that I look good & have kept my weight off or ask me when I am going to stop losing weight.
If I stick to Cohen's maintenance guidelines 100% I will not regain any weight.
If I do regain a few kilos I can lose them quickly & easily, just by going back on program-only foods, without even having to weigh them. Pfft! Just like that! :D
I will have the know-how & can feel confident that I will never be fat again! Ever!
I will have the absolute joy of hearing someone say-
"Really? I can't imagine you ever being fat!" :D
I will feel like I'm a good example for my grand-kids :D.
*Bumping this thread.*
Please go back to my 1st page( I must too!) It helps to always think about the advantages & to remind ourselves why we don't want that ice-cream or cup-cake....chocolate or whatever! I want to be slim much more than I want to eat "empty" food. I also know that I can eat a little bit & that's ok too. I am no longer ashamed to have a little taste of something that I once thought I couldn't live without. I almost always find it has lost it's attraction. I much prefer healthy food these days & I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything.
I have 'bumped' this thread for the newbies :) These were my reasons 2 years ago. Now is a good time to think about your own. Either type them in here or just write them down at home. It's good to look back at them & add some more as you go & to have them as a reminder when you are tempted to go off-plan. We all were tempted at one time or another & these always helped me. It's a personal thing but some of my reasons will be similar to yours & some won't. Cheers, Cate
Love this thread. It's just want I needed to read today since I'm feeling low and chocolates are calling out, promising comfort. Here's my list, in no particular order:

*I will have energy to run and play with my kids and not get tired after a couple minutes.

*My daughters will be proud of me. (Actually, they already are. One of them wrote me the sweetest letter telling me that I'm changing our family's life for the better. Awww...)

*I won't get diabetes (it runs in my family and I'm borderline).

*I will feel comfortable in lingerie.

*I'll no longer feel afraid to run in to high school friends.

*I'll no longer feel like the fat friend.

*I'll be able to fit in cute tops.

*My outside will match my insides (I just don't FEEL overweight... I still feel like the slim girl I used to be, so looking in the mirror is always a disappointment).

That's all I have right now, but I'm sure I'll add more later.
I can buy clothes anywhere that fit me, including in op shops, that I love & then have lots of choices when I'm getting dressed.