The 100 day group!


New member
Ok, this is for me and a few others who wanted to join me on my quest to make the next 100 days the most awesome weight losing 100 days.
Why 100 days? Well, for me because that is when I move back to Europe, I graduate postgrad school, and the next "school year" starts (hopefully I will be specialising then). I was bullied last year so I need my self esteem to be as high as possible for graduation day which is my goal day (11th of september... in about 100 days), and while weight is not self esteem, it greatly helps to feel comfortable in my own skin and I just know that at a lower weight I will feel more comfortable.
Also I have to go to my yearly gyn appointment in about 100 days and and he weighs me and I want to be down to 115 by then (he was the one who gave me my wake up call about my weight, so I want to show him how well I have done!).

So what am I changing:
I am eating more consciously, try to stay between 1200 and 1500 calories a day.
I am exercising more, trying to get at least 1 hour 5 days a week in (initially swimming, then I will do a 2 week intensive dance course, then swimming again). Plus sit ups, stretches etc... whatever comes to mind that day.
I am trying to stay healthy by taking some vitamins and trying to drink more water.
I am trying to get my skin to feel good by using a new palmer's body lotion.

My goal:
To lose 16 pounds and to have more muscle tone all around (I dream of a flat belly, but we will see what mother genetics allows me to do!).
To feel healthier and happier.

They say you only need a few weeks to change a habit, hopefully all those things become habits in these 100 days and enable me and everybody else to be happier and healthier in the long run.

I guess I open this so we can post how we are doing in this time frame (without having to diary hop all day long), post your exercise, your moods, your weigh ins (I weigh in on mondays).
Anybody can join of course... and lets start today... so 99 days to go!
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hey camy! i'm so glad you started the club!....100 days to being FABULOUS!!

well, for me my journey will be a whole lot more than 100 days, but since i need mini-goals to help keep me on the straight and narrow, the next 100 days club sounds great.

i started health eating in feb and exercising in march which is when i bought my weighing scale. so since i bought my scale it's been about 3 months and have lost almost 35pounds....i'm hoping the next 100 days which will be a little over 3 months i will hopefully be able to loose another 35pounds....that's my mini-goal anyway but to be honest will be happy with whatever weight loss as long as i know i'm giving it my 100% like i have the past 3 months.

i intend to keep working out 5-6 days a week and to keep eating healthy.

here's to 100 days of being healthy and HAPPY! WE CAN DO THIS! :cheers2:
I'll join you two!

For me, the next 100 days means establishing habits and changing my mindset. You can loose weight all you want, but if you dont' change your mind..the way you feel about food on an emotional'll just go right back to those old hard habits. I know!

I started yesterday, so I weigh in on mondays too!
Hey Ladies! (Get funky!)

What I'm changing: More fruits and veggies for my lunch/dinner meals and less cheese and crackers! In addition to bicycling, I want to start a Couch to 5k program.

My goal: short-term... by the end of June I want to be down to 220. Long-term... by the end of this challenge I want to be below 200.

Here's to hoping we accomplish everything we want! :D
First week is over, 93 days to go and I am not doing so well:

My goals for this week and what I achieved:

- exercise 5 days a week--- achieved: exercise 2 days this week

- eat consciously 7 days this week--- achieved: ate well about 3 days, overdid it the other 4

- take my daily vitamins--- achieved: I took them religiously

- treat my body with lotion every day--- achieved: I used it 3 times this week

- drink enough water--- achieved: not nearly enough water any given day!

- lose 2 pounds--- I gained a pound

Only one really good things happened this week and that is that I learned how to do an excellent ab exercise while swimming. I will use it this week for a few pools every time I go and "sculpt" myself!

So there is pleeeeeeenty of room for improvement for this week. I have been a bit depressed, but I think that instead of feeling sorry for myself I should just keep going, push through, I can't be this weak.
So for next week, the same goals, 5 day exercise, 7 day good eating, vitamins, water, body lotion.

I was feeling all poor me over the weekend and ate like a hog, but I got back with it yesterday. My goals for this week: Eat healthy all week (especially the weekend).
hey ladies, glad to see all's well with everyone.

this week was a bit of a trying week for me as my weight was still stabilizing from my recent decision to increase my daily calorie intake. but i think things are okay now, because as of this week on the scale i've either been getting same readings or slightly lower long as there has been no increase i'm glad!

hopefully i can get my report done by the end of this week and hand it in, the less stress i have will mean the more i can continue concentrating solely on the weight loss.

let's keep on pushing. xoxo:grouphug:

@ymcachick: so sorry to hear you were feeling blue over the weekend but glad to hear your back up and running :)

@camy: i love your personal weekly mini-goal idea, and don't be so hard on yourself because having achieved some or part of your goals is better than having achieved none at all! baby steps girl, your doing fab!

@korrie: glad you decided to join, hope things are going ok? and i totally agree that weightloss really does begin with changing our mindset.
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Hi girls !!! I'm with you too , I'm 26 years old and I have to lose about 60 pounds after my second baby not easy but I will do it :hurray:: So let see How many weight I will lose in the next 100 days Good luck for you and me too hehe seeya:
Just checking in with everyone. I'm feelin pretty good about this week's weigh in. I hope everyone else is doing great too!