Supplement questions, no answers in supplement forum

It seems like this is the most active forum, and since weight training supplements aren't COMPLETELY off topic from weight training I figured I'd see if some of the Weight traning board troll's could field a couple questions.

1. My optimum 100% whey protein has 21g of protein per serving. How many servings a day should I take? I weigh 155 lbs.

2. Im also taking celltech, has anyone tried cutting the regular servings (2 scoops, 98.X grams) in half (1 scoop, 49.X grams) and still seen ok results? Or should I just stick to the manufacturers reccomended serving size? Im by no means a wealthy man and celltech being 43 bucks per 3000 grams isnt going to last long taking the normal dosage.
About #1... that would totally depend on what your diet is. How many calories do you need per day, how many grams of protine do you need, and how much protine do you normally get straight from your diet.

It is totally possible to get enough protine from your diet, but I didn't either so I added in a single 20g shake. If that makes you hit your goal for daily protine that is enough. Normal splits are 60/20/20 and 40/40/20 for % of calories coming from Carbs/Protine/Fats.
Well I've never really learned anything about healthy reading seeing as I'm only 18 and am not even moving off to college for another few months, I just eat whatever's around don't read the back of anything normally. not until recently have I started to try to make my diet more for weight training. Im 155 pounds and am trying to bring my body fat % down and my muscle mass up. How would I figure out my needs for calories protein fat etc?
Boy, I hope someone else chimes in to help on this one but here goes.

First thing, I would stop all supplements until you have a good diet of natural food and know what you are missing. You sure could be just flushing all that money down the toilet when you take a stop there.

Second, to find out how many calories you need to maintain your current body weight there are many calculators out there but I think it basically works out to about 12xlean body weight per day (more based on activity levels). So the first step is to figure out your actual % of body fat. Calipers are cheap and can do it. Some scales have a BF monitor in them, but they aren't as good for those very athletic people. You can try an internet search and find a ton of calculators to get you close to ideal caloric needs once you know your BF%.

Then the idea is to make sure that you get about 50% of your calories from carbs, 30% from protine and no more than 20% from fats. More total calories if you want to gain weight and less if you want to lose, but still the same ratio. Remeber that carbs and protine have 4 calories per gram and fat has 9 calories per gram. So check those labels and add it up. Nothing exact (unless you are VERY serious about it), but it sure does help to have a rough idea about where your calories are coming from.
Alright. Well I know I'm eating good, I just don't know if im eating enough. Thanks for the help I'll try and find a good calculator on the net.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help, but I do wish you the best!