strech marks/ tighting skin

when i first had my son i had alot of strech marks. I used some lotions n the apperanced of them went away but my skin is still looks like a little can i tighten my skin.
If it's extra skin - unfortunately, there are no exercises you can do to get rid of it :(

If it's fat, a combination of a good diet, and cardio is a good start.

If you do a search on this site, you will find other threads directly related to this topic :)
The Pilates has been helping me pull my muscles back after my pregnancy. If I ever want the skin to go back, I'm afraid it's a tummy tuck after I'm done having babies!
Loose skin sucks. Have a baby, do all that hard work to get back in shape...and what do you end up with? a saggy belly. Bah!
Diet and exercise. If that doesn't work, and you're really feeling self conscious about it, I recommend cosmetic surgery. Give diet and exercise a fair shot first.
apparently the trick to less stretch marks is to apply anti-stretch mark cream around those places during pregnancy, or so i hear