Strange tightness in my calf

OK everyone, this is a bit strange and I am wondering if anyone know what is going on or has had a similar thing happen to them.

I went running Monday afternoon and everything went fine, but starting Tuesday morning my left calf was sore. Something like a tight muscle, but I have been unable to stretch it out (and I do warm up/cool down/stretch well before and after I work out). I didn't think too much about it until after I went running yesterday (Wednesday) and did my normal 3 mile loop and when I got back the calf was *still* tight. Now, after 3 miles there is no way that a calf can really be tight is there? It sure doesn't feel like a pulled or strained muscle, but I am at a loss as to what it could be. I picked up some icy hot and it really does help, but I can still feel that it is a bit off. The worst was going down the stairs first thing in the morning when everything was still cold, but it has loosened up since then (not 100% though - even with the icy hot).

Ideas? I drink enough water (3/4 of a gallon plus while I work out MINIMUM). Diet is good. Vitamins are good. Help!
I had a similar problem last year, and what did was I just got in some hot water for an hour or so for a couple of days. It helped me, but everyone's body is different, and reacts differeently to different things. You can try it though. Hope this helps.
About Friday it started going away - but I didn't work out at all this weekend because we were travelling. Time to go running again this afternoon and see what happens. I think it will be just fine, but I will know more tomorrow morning.
After running yesterday, I have no problems with my calfs this time. So I am hoping that it was a one time thing. Running again this afternoon so I am officially back on the wagon after almost a week off due to travelling.

I tell you what, I could sure tell a difference in my lungs after that week off. My legs wanted more but my lungs just couldn't do it. Hopefully today is a good workout.