Stay Motivated

Working out at times can be a challenge. The key is activity with consistancy. Keep what you want to achieve always in the back of your mind. One day a week reward yourself by eating what you want knowing that you have achieved it. Get ready to hear all the compliments coming your way!
I completely agree, Also visualise yourself looking fantastic and very happy, put a date in the top corner of the picture as this helps focus your mind on a date to achieve your goal. Always remember anything in life that gives you real value does require real effort but thats what makes it so valuable. And yes definately get ready for all those compliments!
Assess your fitness goal --- exercise to have more energy and be fit. Make exercise an enjoyable routine. Exercise because you love doing it. Exercise because you feel happy (it releases endorphins to make you feel good). Exercise because you wanted to be fit and wear the clothes you long to wear without being conscious of the unwanted fats bulging around. There are several other benefits of exercise. In general, it helps in having a positive outlook in life.
we can not get better result in short time, but if we keep motivating our self and just concentrate on big goals we can get better results.
Wonderful post. Rewarding yourself can help in self motivation. I feel that motivation can take you places.
Sometimes, you’re tired after work. Give yourself a quick reward when you complete an assignment or task. Take a walk, send an email, get a snack — whatever works for you. Then move on to the next project.
Figure out an obtainable objective such as training twice on Monday to Friday, once on Saturdays and Sundays. Developing genuine objectives will set you up for achievements. If your objective becomes too simple, you can always style a new one.
Something that I have been doing is playing compliments back in my head that others have said to me. That has been my biggest motivation.
Sometimes I am tired at work and can't get up early in the morning. To jog every morning is a big challenge for me because I have a full time and part time job. But I need to exercise to boost my immune system. I need to become healthy. When i feel tired or lazy to jog I just use my treadmill at home. But jogging outside our home is very different.