Sprained ankle again!!

Need advice… fell and re-injured my sprained ankle…. What would methods of treatment would one advise for a speedy recovery? I’ve been told that i should see a physiotherapist for ultrasound therapy?
Ice and warmth on minute rota for max 10 minutes
Elevation above hips to allow fluid to drain out of it. Best accompanied by small movements to get blood flowing out of the area.
Rest and recovery, so still moving but only limited amount.

Time it will take depends on the severity of the sprain and your own ability to recover. If you rush recovery you will make it longer, the irony is less than amusing but still true.
If you're in serious need of super quick recovery and are willing to fork up the cash, then sure, getting ultrasound can speed things up. Otherwise, stick to what Crazy said.

And if you're consistently respraining your ankle, then there are steps you should be taking for future prevention. After damaging the ligament repeatedly, it's now in a permanently loose state, so you need to compensate by increasing the strength of the surrounding muscles to stabilize the joint. One-legged exercise and balance training, as a general note, is what will help you out the most.
A re-sprain Is fairly common and you shud’ve taken care to rehab the ankle. Ice, compression and using an ankle brace can help. You’ll have to tape it for support. while you really need to keep off weight training for a while, don’t rest the ankle completely, keep doing some movement in different directions. Do theraband first few days and then move to heel raises. These should help.