Soddy Daisy, Tn

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New member
Anyone from here? I need to know if there are any fitness programs around. If not, what can I do to exercise?

What kind of exercise do you like to do? Do you have any limiting factors? I am not from where you are but I work out at home, at a civic centre, outside (in all weather) and at community centres. If We know a little more we can help you out! :)
No real limitations but I cannot afford to go to a gym or even get to the senior center. All I can do is walk around this horrible trailer park where I live. I am a 58yr old widow and in the process of putting every extra cent I can find into a savings account because I am planning in the next year and a half to two moving to Fl. I have been alone since my husband died in 2004 and I have a ton of friends in Fl. So I guess you would reply with WALK everyday.

That is all I can think of unless I put MTV on and dance in front of the TV

Walking is a great way to start. So is dancing! I started with walking and progressed to running (very slowly). Try going for a walk every other day. Each time try to do a little more than last time (either speed or distance, but not both). Once you are feeling confident with that you can add in some strength training. Start with once per week then work up to two-three times a week. There are lots of body weight exercises you can do and you can use what you have around the house. I like doing bird dogs for abs, biceps curls and overhead press with something like a milk jug filled with water to whatever weight is a little challenging, but not hard, triceps kickbacks, squats, calf raises and single leg dead lifts. You can google how to do lots of different exercises. There are also lots of stickied posts on the forum with lots of good info and suggestions. I would recommend starting a journal in the journal section of the forum and updating your progress. It is so motivating to look back and see your progress and thoughts during this journey. :)
I dance in front of the TV or go out for 3 walks a day! If you saw where I lived you would know why I do not get on the floor.

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