Signature banners downsized?


New member
I made an signature banner:
View attachment 20546

It's only 504x78 pixels (6.999x1.083 inches). Now, I searched through the forum to try to find dimension limits, etc of signature banners and found nothing. Why is it when I upload my signature banner it's downsized? I've seen other members who have signature banners and they are a lot bigger than mine is. So why is mine made so much smaller when I upload it? Is it because I'm a new member?

My sig is also a png. file, could that affect it as well?
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I believe it's 500x100 pixels. Even if it's just a hair over, it might be shrinking it? I don't know. You might try shrinking it down to be exact, and see what it does.
I figured it out, I uploaded it by the "Insert image," method that uses a url. It uploaded in it's normal size. Before I was uploading it by using the tab below that uploaded images from my computer. Thanks for replying!