serious mass or whey protein ?

Hi guys,

i need your help to choose the best protein for my body
I am 177 cm height and weight 56 kg

I started doing exercises before 4 month back when my weight was 51 kg. I reached 54 kg in the third month and my weight stop gaining. After that I used ON Serious Mass (1 & 1/2 scoop, training days) and I gained around 2 kg in a month. but I notice that i gained some fat (my stomach) and i do not want to have this fat because it will be very hard to lose it in the future.

My training usually takes 40-60 min (every day) except Friday.
My goal is to reach the good weight (between 60-65 kg) without fat and maintain that.

Please advice. I appreciate your help guys
Hey, so from what I've read it seems you're pretty clueless on the whole aspect.
Protein, no matter what form is it in (mass gainer, whey, isolate) etc is not going to magically gain weight. In order for our bodies to evolve we need a constant stimuli (training) and the appropriate intake of calories.
You can't achieve your goals without both of these working synergetically, this means, you could be training for 6 hours a day extremely intense, but if you're only eating 1000 calories a day you wont be seeing any progress, same if vice versa.
What you want to set up is a plan with realistic goals ("no body fat" is unrealistic and unhealthy approach) and a nutrition plan, whether it be BalancedIntake (or what other people call IIFYM), or a predetermined food intake list.
As for training you need to set up a program that is based around muscle hypertrophy, to accelerate your goal achieving as fast as possible!