Run, Swim, Boot Camp and Gym

I've always been moderately fit, 5-10km runner. I am now getting serious as far as making sure I'm properly fit and trained. Over the last 4 months I did a challeg where I lost 10kg and am closer to my goal fat percentage, and just need a little more muscle. What I've doing is a boot camp session twice a week, 2 runs a week and a strength training once a week. Now that I have a bit of a foundation and feeling great, I want to make sure it continues and eventually run some marathons(my goal). I do however want all round fitness, and i want to swim as well. So here is my question. How can I structure runs, gym, swims and booot camp into a fitness program.
I figure 3 runs a week is minimum, maybe 4 would be best. Swim 3 times a week, this isn't too taxing, but it does affect the body. Boot camp I'd like to stick with twice a week if possible, we do it for an hour and cosnsists of a 15 minute warm up with stretches, runs and coordination drill, followed by a 15 minute workout with sprints pushups squats etc and then 4 ab workouts like planks, crunches etc. Lastly I would like to include some strengthening at the gym like leg presses etc for my running.
I'm happy to get up early, and also to run after work. I'm just not sure if this is too much, or is it reasonable to do this amount.
Any suggestions would be great. In particluar morning swims is what I have been doing, so that would be cool to keep it the same.
There is no way of training like this without some things affecting others, as you already know.
I would say keep days set where you are not doing the same things more than 2 days on the trot and ideally leaving a days rest from it between each.
Below would be an example based on 4 days run, 3 swim, 2 boot camp (circuits to old folk)

Mon run, swim
Tue run, circuit
Wed Swim
Thur run, circuit
Fri run, swim

This is one example there are many ways you could do it. If you expect the activities not to impact each other you are in for disappointment. I tend to know it will happen in my training but refuse to accept it in the workouts themselves, worked so far.
Whatever rota you use have at least one day of total rest from all training. You will find it difficult to assess overall progress on performance etc. but it will be fun.