Routine to maintain functional strength?

I'm an athlete and play ultimate frisbee (lots of sprinting), and table tennis (for real, not basement ping pong).

I normally lift weights for strength (3 work sets, maxing out at 8-12 reps), but now I already have the muscle size I need (and in fact I could afford shrink a bit).

So now I just want to maintain strength (not get bigger), and get more toned, drop some fat.

I want to change my workouts to be enough to maintain, but maybe build endurance, or go for tone. I just want well-rounded fitness, so I suppose functional exercises are good (pushes and pulls).

Should I do aerobics classes instead of lifting weights?

My old workout routine was:
1. Four exercises: A push (like chest press or shoulder press), a pull (pull-ups, or seated row), and usually back lifts, and bicep curls. Maxing out at 8-12 reps.
2. Three work sets each (and 1 warm-up set before)
3. Whey protein shakes afterwards

And that got my the size I need, but yeah, time to switch gears. Should I just do those BodyPump type classes, that use weights as part of aerobics?

Or just keep lifting weights but do lower weight and more reps?
I am a big fan of lower weight and increase reps. I tend to decrease the weight to the point that I can do 20 reps for 3 sets on light days and 15 reps for 3 sets on heavy. That portion of your workout should last 30 minutes then spend 20 minutes doing moderate cadio. Just some things that has worked for our clients.