Reasons for emotional changes?

So Im 26, 6' 0", and 213lbs. In the last two years I have cut down from 296lbs and obviously feel a ton better physically. I usually feel great mentally as well(happy). I was about 220lbs for around 5-6months and four months ago started lifting heavier and increased intensity with my lifting and cardio routines and have gotten to 213lbs. I started seeing a lot less gains in the last month and so I started taking protein, and eating more lean meats and fish. Anyways, I feel kind of emotional as of the past month or so. I have also been easily irritated by things that I would usually just blow off and not think twice about. I am wondering if its possibly the protein supplements?
Could be, but I'd be wondering if the suppliments you have been consuming had hormones added or messed with your own hormones. Hormones can account for mod swings.

But also consider the fact that for some, weight loss can result in a mood drop or mood fluctuations which is just part and parcel of losing weight.
It's not the protein, simple as that.
How often are you training? Maybe your body is exausted with the heavy training and calorie deficit, that's far more likely to be a cause for a drop in mood