Rate My Workout for Cycling - Strength/Endurance/Cardio



Hi, I'm not really a pro cyclist but I do enjoy joining long endurance rides and would like some help if the workout I created would be good enough to improve my leg strength for climbing and improving lactic threshold as well as cardio. I also don't want to sacrifice losing overall strength so I threw in a few upper body routines but the whole program is all full body compound workouts. One thing I would like to avoid though is bulking up since it might affect my cycling performance hauling up all that braun so I wasn't sure if the strength training I included would cause that. Most of the workouts are around 30-40 mins long since I have to keep it that short in order for me to have time and get ready for work.

Dynamic stretches (5 mins)
Circuit training (4 sets with 30 sec rest between each interval):
30 sec Pull ups/Chin ups
30 sec 35lb Dumbbell Goblet Squat
30 sec Chest Pushups
30 sec Right Side Clean and Press with 35lb Dumbbell
30 sec Left Side Clean and Press with 35lb Dumbbell
30 sec Right Side Snatch with 35lb Dumbbell
30 sec Left Side Snatch with 35lb Dumbbell
1 min rest after set

Tabata jump ropes 8 rounds 20s on/10s off

* I've been trying to work on my Chinups (right now I can only do about 8 on first set then around 5-6 on succeeding sets)
** I've been thinking of changing to a 40lb Dumbbell as I progress but right now this is what I can do in good form

40min on Bike Roller with my Road bike trying to keep a 75-90 rpm pace

Dynamic stretches (5 mins)
Superset 1: 135lb Barbell Bench Press - 8 reps (I can only do 8 at this point but will increase weight and add in 20lbs when I progress)
40lb Dumbbell Step Ups 8-10 reps on each side
Rest for 1 min
Repeat for 4 more sets

Superset 2: 165lb Lat Pull Down - 8 reps
185lb Barbell Deadlift - 6 reps
Rest for 1 min
Repeat for 4 more sets

35min on Spin bike focusing more on climb intervals switching between 2% grade to 8% grade - 1 min each, trying to maintain a 65rpm during 8% grade climb

Dynamic Stretches (5 mins)
Circuit Training
Circuit 1: Battle Ropes 30s Dbl hand wave
Ladders - Straight Through - 2 Feet 30s
Rest 30s
Battle Ropes 30s Alternating wave
Ladders - Right Leg Heisman
Rest 30s
Battle Ropes 30s Lateral Raise
Ladders - Left Leg Heisman
Rest 30s
Battle Ropes 30s Jumping Jacks
Ladders - Icky Shuffle
Rest 1 min

Circuit 2: Box Jumps - 30s
Rest 10s
Chest Pushups - 30s
Rest 10s
Jumping Lunges
Rest 30s
Repeat for 3 more sets

Circuit 3: Plank - 1 min
Rest 20s
Right Side Plank Rotation - 1 min
Rest 20s
Left Side Plank Rotation - 1 min
Rest 20s
Superman - 1 min
Rest 20s
Side to Side Mountain Climbers - 1 min

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: 35-40 mile Bike Ride with an average climb of 2500ft to 3500ft

PS: I am using this routine to prepare for a Gran Fondo event in September. I will be doing a 65 mile route with probably about 5600ft in climbing.
I can't imagine you're going to be very happy with my response but it's really much simpler than what you lay out. If oyu want to be a stronger cyclist you need to ride more. The amount of riding you are doing is too low and the type you are doing is not geared towards what you want as much it could be.

That spin bike "climbing" workout is BS. It's not a climbing workout, it's just more resistance, which is a poor substitute for real climbing. Spin workouts and rollers are fine but again, it's not riding out in the elements with terrain changes, weather, etc. a 65 mile Fondo should be fine, you'll survive - no biggie. But if you want to have fun and do it comfortably, you need to do more cycling specific stuff...translation - ride more, find the time. That's it, pretty simple. And if you want to get a bit more detailed, you need to mix the cycling workouts that you do - long endurance rides, interval workout rides (hill repeats, etc), find some nice long climbs - real climbs not simulations, recovery rides, etc.

If cycling is your priority, prioritize cycling. The composition that must have taken you 20 min to write suggests that cycling is a part of what you do but isn't your main sport. And if you are struggling on those 30-40 milers and don't feel like it's your main sport when you are out on a ride you now know why.

Best of luck