Quick hello from a newbie

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New member
Hi everyone, I just registered and thought I'd better introduce myself. My names Jenny, I turn 20 next month and have decided to put my foot down and lose all the extra kilos I've gathered over the past year. My partner and I have recently become engaged and I want to be slim again for the wedding, so what better time to start!
Congrats on the engagement and good luck with your goals...and of course WELCOME!
Congratulations on the engagement. You have many hours of stress planning ahead of you for your wedding. What great way to release all that stress than excercise and loose weight at the same time. Good Luck and keep up the good hard work.
Welcome!! I hope you find this forum as helpful as I have! There is nothing better than being surrounded by people who want to see you suceed! Congrats on your engagment!
Welcome Jenny and congrats on the engagement!

The wedding is a great motivator to lose the weight you want. What time-frame do you have for how much weight?
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