Possible damaged knees?

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So for the past 6 weeks I've been doing approximately 40 mins of moderate walking, and 20 mins of jogging in small 3-5 minute bursts almost every single day. Amounting to at least an hour of exercise overall.

My legs look much better than they did, however a few days ago I noticed that my knees were starting to ache. I had a day's rest and went back to it yesterday, and today they REALLY hurt to the point where I can't bend them or walk very well. And if I sit down I have trouble getting back up.

Why is this happening? Is it normal? Should I try and persevere with the exercise tomorrow if they are working again? I was absolutely fine for the first 5 1/2 weeks!

Thank you for the help.
This is not normal but there a few things to consider. The first is rest and get your knees looked at by your doctor, however there are a few possible causes

Shoes - poor quality or old worn out shoes can cause knee pain
Poor running tecnique
High impact activity (running) can cause problems if very overweight - walking is better in this instance.
muscle imbalance between hamstrings and quadriceps
medical - depending on age and past activity it could be pain from over use or a medical condition, SEE A DOCTOR
I echo Trusylver's advise, see a Doctor! Preferably an orthopedic specialist.
However in some places you must be referred by your GP first.
I ran only for conditioning purposes.
My injuries were primarily sports related, as I competed in Judo at National & International level.
I've had over 10 knee operations in my lifetime. Varying from minor arthroscopic to a Total Knee Replacement.
What appears to be minor now can progress to a chronic condition if not corrected & allowed to heal properly.
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