Weight-Loss Please help: pain in thumb joint



New member
I am sure that I am not suffering from arthritis. But suddenly I am feeling pain in my thumb joint whenever I put some pressure on it while sitting on my bed.

I am on a low carb diet plan. Below is what is having these days.

Morning 8:30 am - 1 scoop whey protein before workout
9:00 Am workout including:
4-6 exercises/ body part/ day
20 reps/ set
Cardio 20 min either elliptical or treadmill or cycling

After workout 11:00 Am: 1 scoop whey protein
12:00 Pm: breakfastScrambled eggs (5 egg whites 1 whole half onion,one pinch salt,one pinch red chilli powder,pinch of turmeric,half tomato)

Peanuts three tablespoon
One tablet multivitamin gm nutrition
2pm: snacks 1 apple and two tablespoon peanuts

4 pm steamed broccoli
Steamed Small beetroot
Raw Two carrots
Raw 1 cucumber
Raw 1 turnip
One capsule fish oil (1000mg Omega 3( 300MG epa+dha))

8pm 1 1/2 fist full of brown rice
150Gm of cottage cheese
One capsule fish oil same as above mentioned

10 pm 250ml cow's milk
20 almonds

But now I am feeling an intense pain in my thumb joint inspire of having zero purine as I am vegetarian.
Please tell me what's the problem?
If you need more info plz feel free to ask.

Don't follow the above diet plan with consulting your doctor
Don't follow the above diet plan with(out?) consulting your doctor
this might sound pretty obvious, but i wouldn't make a joint pain diagnosis without consulting a doctor either.
Firstly, @overlandflyer is right, for your joint pain go and see your doctor.

as for your diet etc. firstly it is rather unusual for a vegetarian to be eating animal products (whey, eggs, cheese) and it is certainly not low carb.

your workout is a bit odd, are you attempting to loose weight or do you have a different goal ?
Thank you overlandflyer for you advice
Trusylver yes I am on a weight loss diet plan and yes I know it's not completely low carb.and I think the pain is due to some exercises I have done yesterday.
And I am not a vegan I am a vegetarian and yes I can eat eggs but no meat etc
Thank you