Pilates- Locations(FL), Videos, HELP :)

I have tried searching for Cost-effective (inexpensive) Pilates studios here in South Florida... I cannot find any that charge less than about $65 per session. There is one place at the civic center that does cost-effective classes for about $60 for 8 weeks (1x per week) but it is held on a day that I have class and it is impossible for me to make it. Any one know of a location in South Florida for Pilates for a good price or recommend GREAT starter videos with instructions on each move and a 45-60 min workout session together? Something that won't cost me an arm and a leg?
Cost Effective Pilates

Hello, I am a Pilates instructor in Los Angeles. I suggest you try an adult education center at a college, they sometimes have Pilates classes but beware for a not really trained instructor. Ask about training . Anything under 3mths full time is not Pilates training enough.
If you go to my website Pilates-exercise-and-equipment.com you will find links to some very good Pilates DVDs that I was very impressed with. There is some junk out there but this one is on my site because it is good and clear and shows the different levels.
Yours Louise Forscher
i was going to suggest buying a dvd as well. I am a pilates instructor at the gym i work at. you might also try the local YMCA, if you have one of those close. Our Y here teaches pilates as well as other classes. The y is sometimes more of an affordable option. The cost of our pilates classes is included in the price of membership. The winsor series is a good series! Good luck