Paleolithic Diet

Refined Sugars
There is a long list of ingredients which are essentially "sugar". Some allow small amounts of honey or pure maple syrup - but this would have been a rare treat.

Yes, there were wild grains, and a few roasted kernels have been found in ancient fires. But really - how much wild grain could have been collected at a time? Answer: not much. Corn is a grain.

Starchy Tubers
No starchy tubers, including
Sweet potatoes
Some say beets
Legumes (Beans, Peas, Peanuts)
These are usually outlawed on the premise that most of them can't be eaten without cooking. Much is made of the lectins in legumes, which some people may be sensitive to (research into lectins is in its infancy and not a lot is known about this with any certainty).

Dairy Products
Early people did not eat dairy products before animals were domesticated. It has been pointed out that there has been adaptation to dairy products in some genetic lines, but no author of this type of diet endorses eating dairy including milk, butter, cream, yogurt, ice cream, cheese, etc.

Some Meats

Most processed meats (made with nitrites and additives) are not allowed, including hot dogs, bacon, sausage, and lunch meats, although sometime more healthy forms of these can be found. Cordain does not allow fatty cuts of meat, including poultry skin and dark meat.


Definitely avoid the following:
Corn oil
Cottonseed oil
Peanut oil
Soybean oil
Rice bran oil
Wheat germ oil
This includes products, such as mayonnaise, which include these oils.
Cordain has a long list of preferred oils in his book based on their ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids. He also is down on tropical plant oils (coconut and palm) which have high levels of saturated fats. Other writers definitely include these tropical fats as fine to eat.

Most authors of this type of diet advocate not adding salt to food or buying heavily salted food.

Vinegar - Lemon or lime juice is preferred over vinegar; no pickled products.

Yeast is not allowed


Seriously? It's just another version of a low calorie diet. The claim that it works cause the food is digested slowly might be part of the reason..cause you feel full longer...which means you eat less...which means you eat less calories.

But again, if someone wants to try this, go ahead but it's not some miricle cure. It is the same message under a different label. Calories in vs Calories out.

It's really not going to be for most people, or something long term. As San said, if it worked for you, great.

Hi All - Just to weigh in on the paleo diet and Primal diet - all the food listed is seriously not good for the body in regards to inflammation. As for reducing weight - if you ate what our ancestors did and elimnated everything that is highly processed - yes sugar as well - you will be doing your body a service...
All high processed foods have an effect on insulin and too much of it circulating around your stomach = weight gain!
I know - I am a type 2 diabetic and have been on the primal blueprint diet for a while now! my issue is weight gain from stopping smoking in March 2010 - have gained 10kgs but that is due mainly to a slower metabolism and not food intake!
Hi All - Just to weigh in on the paleo diet and Primal diet - all the food listed is seriously not good for the body in regards to inflammation. As for reducing weight - if you ate what our ancestors did and elimnated everything that is highly processed - yes sugar as well - you will be doing your body a service...
All high processed foods have an effect on insulin and too much of it circulating around your stomach = weight gain!
I know - I am a type 2 diabetic and have been on the primal blueprint diet for a while now! my issue is weight gain from stopping smoking in March 2010 - have gained 10kgs but that is due mainly to a slower metabolism and not food intake!

Also to jericho - have you read Gary Taubes - "Good Calories - Bad Calories" worth read if you think weight loss is just about "calories in Vs calories out"
Also to jericho - have you read Gary Taubes - "Good Calories - Bad Calories" worth read if you think weight loss is just about "calories in Vs calories out"

If he thinks that then he'd be right. now HEALTH is about more than that, but weight loss isn't.
Also to jericho - have you read Gary Taubes - "Good Calories - Bad Calories" worth read if you think weight loss is just about "calories in Vs calories out"

CP is right about if you are looking beyond just weight loss, then it is different because the type of calorie matters. Pure weight loss is calories in vs calories out.

as far as Gary Taubes goes..I have my own issues with his work.