pain when doing sit ups

Hey all,

Im wondering if anyone has any advice, I have started doing exercises again after a few years of sheer slobbery, Only thing is my coccyx is killing me!

I need to concentrate on my stomach at the moment so Ive been doing a few sit ups but even after doing 1 or 2 I can feel my coccyx crunch and grind its really hurting me like its bruised. I have coccydynia so that doesnt help. Has anyone get any idea on what I could do to stop it hurting?

or any other exercises I can do for the stomach area

Cutting out doing sit ups would be the first step in the right direction.

Seriously, sit ups aren't actually very good for you in the first place, as they put significant stress on your spine and, thus, your sacrum and coccyx. The coccydynia obviously doesn't help the fact, so you should just stay away from sit ups completely. (Half the work while you do them is being done by your hip flexors anyway.)

Any particular reason why you need to concentrate on your stomach area? If it's too burn fat and to make your abs show, then you just need do more overall body workouts and cardio routines to decrease body fat. (Spot reduction doesn't actually occur, ever.) If you have some sort of weakness in your abs and core, then there are a ton of exercises that will be more effective (or, effective in the first place).

Coincidentally, I just saw a spine and core expert give a lecture a few weeks ago who provided THE best exercise to target and maximally recruit your abdominals. (See below.)
I am a bit of a compound movement fan, so stuff like the pushup walk out suits my idology well. I have also done them and if done well they really do burn like hell. Easy to find yourself cheating by swinging and allowing one side at a time to dip but if you avoid this they are great.