Not alot happening

Ive been eating properly for 2 weeks now, Last week I had lost one measly pound, this week gained it again...
I am being soooo good.
Im eating every 2 hours, all the proper recomended stuff.
Ive upped my protein intake, am exercising properly and nothing....... I seem to always stick at this stupid weight. I was really hopeful that this time, I would pass this weight and continue to my goal.
Just plain fed up now.
How long have you actually been exercising?

when you first start exercising and eating properly, you can actually gain scale weight while losing fat.

The body builds muscle to accomodate for the new load its under. Muscle weighs more than fat, until your muscle catches up, its entirely possible that your losing fat, and not weight.

its not weight you want to lose, its fat, weight loss just is a function of fat loss.
Thanks Allen.
That theory would make sense.
I have been exercising 2 or 3 times a week now for about 6 months, But its only been the last month that I am training 5 times a week. I do look a little better, but my clothes are not looser yet.
So I should persever and not write myself off as a lost cause? LOL
I had major abdominal surgery last May and have been putting this non weight loss down to hormonal imbalance, but I will keep on and see what happens.
Thanks again.
A lot _is_ happening!


I found when I was losing weight that my weight loss kind of went in stages, I would drop a few pounds, and then (despite no change in exercise/food) plateau for a while, then I would drop again, then plateau. For whatever reason (explanation, any fitness gurus out there?) my body seemed to lose weight in about 5 pound increments. Don't give up hope, I think Allen is probably exactly right that you are reforming fat to muscle.

Keep with it and good luck!
I will keep up to it, thanks Andra.
Its just very disheartening when you are doing everything right and nothing happens. I have never stuck to a diet before so am really pleased with myself for changing my eating habbits properly. Hopefully I will start losing soon.
Im going away in May so thats my goal date. Maybe if nothing continues to happen I will have to higher or lower my calories.
Thanks again, katey
Go by what the mirror tells you. Scales can be used as a tool yes, however if it's body fat you are looking to loose, and your diet is in check, then you can stay at the excact same weight for weeks while still loosing body fat.

Do NOT get discouraged by looking for quick results. Fact is, results don't come quickly. Keep on doing what your doing.

I recommend you take measuments of your body. Try tracking your progress this way.
Hubby is going to hide the scales so I cant get on them morning and night..... I will also take measurements "gulp" and see whats what.
Thanks LV
Good responses from everyone. You said you're looking better, and that's great! Screw what the scale says. Keep going. Give it time and if you don't see the progress you want, you may need to do some tweaking with your diet and workouts. Finding the best nutrition and exercise program for you is a learning process.
I think I might have to go see a dietition or something. im only guessing the 1500 cal thing so maybe thats totally wrong.
Someone has suggested to me to stay of bread and potatoes completelly so that may even be my answer..... Who knows.
Hi Katey,
Yes the scale can be frustrating. I think your hubby would be wise to hide your scale. I wish mine would hide my scale. I have come to understand that the scale can be deceiving and it can set the mood for your day. Dont listen to it. I have been excersizing for two and a half months now. I have lost 10 pounds but that darn scale has made me want to throw it through the wall. lol I took my messurements and that has saved my sanity. I still get on the scale but I dont let it tell me any differently then what the feel of my clothes or the measuring tape tells me. I have lost inches everywhere and feel much stronger and look much better. Keep going there are changes happening in your body that might not be apparent but they are there.
I started out weighinh 203 and now I weigh 193. I worked out all week end mostly running and my scale says I'm up a pound. I am confident that it isnt a pound of fat. See and Im not freeking out. lol.
Good luck to you.