Nordic track incline failure

I recently bought a Nordic Track e3000-model 30503 Treadmill from Sears(I'm in Canada) and for the most part am happy with the machine.

However, the incline adjustment isn't working. Sears sent a technician out and he has replaced the incline motor (not the problem) and the control card twice (not a fix). Sears suggests I return the unit.. but at this point I'm not ready to pack and move 500lbs of treadmill..

If there is a repair guru for this machine out there! I suggested that they replace the console, but since I am only a lowly computer technician... they would prefer that I pack it up and ship it back. I am looking for confirmation that this might be in the console circuitry.

Then I could try again and get them to ship the part for the console and not the motor control board.

Thanks in advance.. from the frozen north<G>

Beep beep beep

On most machines when you press a button on the console you
get a beep sound. If you don't get a beep on the elevation up or down
and you do on the speed up and down, it could be the display overlay/keypad.

If you see the elevation go up on the display but the unit is not elevating
it could be the motor or wiring.

Or last but not least, the electronics not being
able to send the signal out of the electronics.

Good Luck
23 year veteran service tech
warranty tech